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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 33 – R-07: Assassination Attempt (Shabhazabad)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 33 – R-07: Assassination Attempt (Shabhazabad)

It is time to move to the final file of the game, getting to the end boss and completing everything. There are only a few more areas and a couple of fights. After the opening it is time to collect a few things then move on with the mission. Turn around and head on up the rocks, going slightly to the right. You will find VR Terminal 19 waiting for you here. Now turn back to face the down hill and start Ninja Running. Keep to the right more so to avoid detection and you will find the final Double Tripod. Cut it down to finish the set.

Turn to the North now and look toward the air base. There is a fellow here with ID Chip 27. You need move in quickly and use Zandatsu to remove his left hand quickly. This will trigger the first Ranked Battle.

Ranked Battle 1: 3 Cyborgs (+2 Cyborgs when Alert is triggered)
This is not a hard fight to perfect. It is just a matter of taking them down without taking any damage. The Slide Tackle/Zendatsu strategy works very well to remove the threats. Just apply what you know of taking down Cyborgs quickly and everything will be fine.

Once you are inside the airforce base then it is time more for stealth than anything. At the high difficulties, triggering an alert can really bring the hammer down. Aside from that, engage only when there are collectibles to be had. There are 3 ID Chips and 2 Data Storage to find here as well as the final Man in a Box.

To start with the collection run, head over tothe left and head behind one of the 2 APCs. There is a Cyborg Beserker nearby who is patrolling. Wait for his back to be turned then move in for a Ninja Kill. He has ID Chip 28. Head back behind the APC's and go to the North of them. You will spot some cargo containers. Ninja Run up onto them, turn to the Left and jump onto the nearby overhang. Head to the end of it and you will find Data Storage 19. Now head to the Northern end of the area. Head over tothe East and cut over to the Item Box carefully. Inside you will find a RP Grenade. Now turn to the South and look for the Gun Camera. You can either evade or destroy it. After that just slip inside the hangar and go over to the left-hand side. Ninja Run across this side, being somewhat mindful of the Cyborgs, to get to the next catwalk. Once there, just wait for the next Cyborg with an ID Chip (#29) to close in. Take him down with a Ninja Kill and after that just engage the rest of the Cyborgs. It makes grabbing the 2 remaining collectibles a lot easier.

Now go to the first part of the hangar and investigate along the Southern wall. Just before the crossover catwalk you will find the final VR Terminal (#20). Next you want to hunt down the Holo-Chip (L) in the area. Continue to the West, back toward the entrance. Look for the small side door to the Hangar facing South. Head on out it, turn to the left, mindful of the cameras, and climb up onto the overhang using the nearby cargo containers. 2 more collectibles in this area before moving forward. Head onto the crossover catwalk now. Turn to the East and hop onto the helicopter there. Head on out to the right-hand rotor blades. Climb up onto them and follow them to find the next Data Storage (#20). Now get onto the Southern Helicopter blade and run over to the Cargo Containers that are nearby. Follow them to the Southeastern corner to find a locked chest with the next Endurance Upgrade inside it.After that just drop to the floor and slice your way through the fencing holding you in the hangar.