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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 11 – Cry For Help (Wolves' Den to Tomb Of The Unworthy)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 11 – Cry For Help (Wolves' Den to Tomb Of The Unworthy)

Head into the den and start toward the back of it. Lara will hear wolves but will not immediately see any that attack her, for now. Just keep moving forward. After that you will get the Radio. Head on forward and move back through the den toward the exit. As the path narrows Lara will be attacked by one of the wolves. Follow the prompts after that to kill the wolf. Be sure to field dress it as well for the experience (and with the right skills, salvage).

Once outside again you have 2 options. You can just use the Zipline to quickly get over to Roth or jump over the fence to the right to get the Fifth GSP Cache. To get the Cache, head up to the fence and look down. Below you is a rooftop. Leap down to it by angling to the right to get onto it safely. After that just head for Roth as you would normally. Take advantage of the pole to get a good swing and speed up the process greatly. From there just head for the camp site and complete this part of the mission.

After the cutscene Lara will have the Climbing axe. Be sure to talk with Roth until he runs out of things to say before leaving for the next part of the search. Head for the highlighted craggy wall and use the Axe to climb it. Nothing too bad and it will be useful very soon.

Head up along the wing then climb up the next 2 craggy surfaces. At the top you will find a Lantern to your right and fence to the left. Head toward the Lantern and from there go over onto the bridge. As you cross over the bridge turn to the right. You will see an opening underneath the Waterfall to get into the first Challenge Tomb. Be sure to look along the left-hand side of the entrance. There is a GPS cache sitting right in the entrance to the tomb. Jump down to the right and head into the Tomb.

Head down the passage and climb up the craggy wall with the climbing axe. Light your torch with the lantern to the left (Lara will do it automatically if you walk by it). Just go straight on through to the next part. Just after you cross the river go over to the cook pot. This is the Day Camp in the Tomb of the Unworthy. Pause here for a minute to upgrade any skills or gear. Lara will make another Journal entry so just listen to what she has to say before moving on. When you are ready just head up the slope into the cascade of water to get into the next part.

Now it is time to start working on a puzzle. Immediately head over to the left and jump onto the platform with the cocoons on it. Charge across it and immediately jump to reach the far side. Here Lara will be able to light her Torch. Do that and then jump back onto the platform with the cocoons. Use the torch to burn the cocoons and lighten the load. Now head over to the right-hand side and shove the yellow diving cage, sitting the planking, off it. This will raise the platform to a height Lara can reach the climbable wall. Get to the now raised platform and jump over to it. From there just jump to the climbable wall and scale it to the right and up. From there just head to the end of the passage to find a large chest. It contains Salvage and a treasure map of the area, revealing the location of relics, documents and GPS Caches. After that just head for the Zipline and take that down to the camp fire. After that just head on out of the cave and back to the waterfall. Climb out on the right-hand side of the river. This will make sure to come up right by a craggy wall. Move to it and start climbing it with your new Axe.