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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 17 – A Road Less Traveled (Cliffside Village)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 17 – A Road Less Traveled (Cliffside Village)

Start by going to the East and following the path in front of Lara. There is little to find here so nothing much needs to be said for the first part. Head over to the small ramp and jump for the hanging banner. Lara will treat it like a Trapeze and use it to swing and smash through the wall of the building on the other side of it. Here is where you need to worry.

Once she breaks through the wall a number of houses begin to collapse. Immediately start running for the next house and the ones after that. Keep to the right and jump for the boxes whenever possible to get a little bit farther along. Once the cutscene runs you are safer for the moment. The Solarii found the Pilot first and one of the Guardsmen just took him out. Roth will contact Lara on the radio at a very bad time and get the Solarii's attention drawn onto her.

Immediately dodge to the left and into the building. Once inside here, wait for the Guardsman to come to Lara and then fight him just like the last one. Dodge and Counter Attack against him with ease. After taking him down head for the Eastern side of the room. First, there is some netting holding salvage. After that go just a little to the South of it and look up. You will see some planks you can climb up. Do so to find a large Salvage Crate. After that turn to the South and head out of the building you are in. Approach the edge of the broken bridge where the pilot died and jump across the gap. Just continue forward after that. You will find the next camp. It is also here you will get the next entry into Lara's Journal so be sure to listen it to all the way through.

Now head up the stairs behind the fire and press on. Lara will contact Roth and the two will work on their plan. When Lara gets through the first tunnel look to the left. There is a small conclave there where she can find more Salvage to add to her collection of it for upgrades. At the top of the stairs though Lara will get caught in a Snare Trap. Immediately start firing on the Solarii that are coming toward Lara. There are 3 total to gun down. After that, she will automatically aim for the pulley lever to dropped back down to the ground.

After she gets up, she will gather the rope and combine it with an arrow to add something new to her gear. She will now have Rope arrows she can use with the Alternate Fire. She automatically aims for the rope beneath the 2 additional Solarii who are now firing on her. Just hit the prompted button and Lara will send them plummeting into the river far below. Now she will be attacked by 3 more Solarii. Immediately take out on the one on the right as he is lobbing Molotov Cocktails at Lara. Kill him with arrows or using a Rope Arrow to pull him off the platform. You can do this to all the other Guards as well.

When the fight is over, first head to the West and jump to the small outcropping to find a XP Cache. After that head to the East and use the Rope Arrow to pull the crate closer. From there jump onto the crate turn to the North and climb into the nearby house. Head through it and turn to the left. There is another house there with a Rope Target underneath it. Hit it with the Rope arrow and then climb into it with some scampering. On the far side you will find some more Salvage and some arrows, if Lara needs them.