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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 19 – A Road Less Traveled: Tomb – Hall of Ascension

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 19 – A Road Less Traveled: Tomb – Hall of Ascension

Head into the Tomb from the ledge. Head in and through the first tunnel. At the top of the first set of stairs inside the Tomb look to the right to find a Salvage Crate. After that turn to the left and climb up the ledge. Just keep going forward until the Wind blows out your Torch. Turn to the left at that point and scamper up the nearby wall. Press forward to the North to arrive at the Camp. Take a moment to develop any skills and after that head on over to the right and farther into the Tomb.

Head across the bridge and into the doorway of the house. There are a few things to do here. First though is to head over to the left and use the Axe to close the shutters. This will stop the strong breeze from blasting through the building for a short while. After that you need to head to the center of the bottom floor. There is a second lever you can interact with to raise the nearby platform. With the shutters down, wait for the first one to come up. Just as it does raise the platform. Quickly climb onto the box to the left and then jump onto the raised platform. The rest of the shutters should give way and push the platform all the way against the back wall. The timing on this is pretty tight as Lara should make it onto the platform with a second or so to spare.

The wind will blow the platform to the back wall. Immediately run and jump, scampering up the wall to reach the hand hold above it. From there just go around the room, jumping the gap, until you can land on the platform above with the statues.

Simply move forward from here and go into the room on the right. Explore the surrounding room and then head all the way to the back of it. Here you will find the Treasure Map revealing the locations of all the GPS Caches in the Mountain Village as well as a Handgun part and more Salvage. It gives plenty so be sure to stop at the Camp to upgrade some things that are available to Lara at this point.

Getting out compared to up is a lot simpler. Just head out of the lot room and to the platform. Drop down and then get back across the bridge.