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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 25 – Open Wounds, Highway to Hell (Shanty Town)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 25 – Open Wounds, Highway to Hell (Shanty Town)

Head on down the path toward the Shanty Town. Lara will take a tumble down into the Shanty Town proper. There she will spot an old, rusting helicopter. She believes there are some supplies in there. Head forward and over to the right. Here you will find a small pool of water and an opening to go through. You will hear some Solarii talking about another Prisoner holed up in the Chop Shop.

Head on through the pool but do not get out of it just yet when you reach the edge. First, look up. There is a Soldier patrolling the roof. Pick him off first. Now, fire a second arrow into the building to the left of the 2 guards talking. Aim for the drawing to the left to lure one of them away. Pick off the stationary guard and then quickly take out the third who went to investigate. If things do not go well, then you need to kill off 2 Chargers who will come at Lara.

With the guards dealt with, one way or the other, head into the building where the pair were talking. Grab the Salvage behind the fire then head up the stairs to the left. Get across the beam then you need to make the jump. Unfortunately Lara will call out in pain as she lands from the jump. 2 Soldiers will appear. One will charge her and the other will fire on her with an assault rifle. Kill them off then keep moving forward. Head around the corner and there is another Solarii Soldier you need to deal with. Quickly kill him then look at the tail of the Helicopter above you. Here you will see a Rope Target. Fire a Rope Arrow into it to get Lara to pull down the nearby wall. She will find a lighter after searching the helicopter and will cauterize her wound. She will also get the idea for Fire Arrows while she is at it.

Highway to Hell
After a quick talk with Roth Lara will come under attack from the Solarii again. She immediately puts her Fire Arrows to use. Aim for the pool of water behind the 3 that converge on you. This will set the pool of water on fire and burn up the 3 nearest Solarii. Time to get to work wiping out the rest of the Solarii in the area.

There are a number of things that can burn around here. Start though by picking off the gunner who is above you just to the right. After that just kill off all the Solarii who are rushing you. Any who are behind a white crate can have their cover removed as the crates will burn. You will also see a number of Red Barrels. Hit these with your Fire Arrows to set them off. Try to have a number of Solarii around them so you can take down as many as possible. It generally means just wait a moment for each.

After that, take a little time to loot the bodies then head back to the little camp by the helicopter. You should have a skill point and plenty of Salvage to work with. Upgrade your weapons, choose a new skill and head on into the Shanty Town to begin your search for challenges and items.