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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 30 – Highway to Hell (Shantytown: South)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 30 – Highway to Hell (Shantytown: South)

On this level grab the ammo to the left and the XP cache in front of you. After that go out the doorway to the right and head to the North some to climb up the nearby wall. You will hear the Solarii call out in warning that Lara is getting close. Head down the passage on the left. Pause along the way and look to the right to find some beams Lara can climb. Take them up to find the Third Alarm for the Silence Challenge. You can engage them from this vantage point and make the gunfight a lot easier in the process. There are 4 ahead of you that you need to deal with. Move keep in cover and quickly take them down.

With the Soldiers down head toward where they were. First, though, look carefully over the right-hand side of the bridge you need to cross. You will see a platform below you. Jump down to it to collect a XP cache. Climb back up and head to the base of the building they were attacking you from. Go over to the left and go around the corner. Blast down the barricade to find a relic in front of you (Scribe's Inro). Now head to the South and around the building. Look behind the nearby crates there to find the Ninth GPS Cache. Finally head to the building and climb up the wall to press on.

Immediately get to cover away from the Red Barrel (if you did not explode it in the last encounter). You have another 3 Solarii to deal with. 2 are on the same level as you and the final one is above you to the right. Pick off the one above you quickly. It is a lot easier without him periodically firing down on you. Pick off the others carefully.

Time to make the jump across the gap. Time it so you are jumping just after one of the blades have gone by. This will ensure that you can make it without any difficulty. Unfortunately things do not get any better once you cross over. You will be attacked by 3 more Solarii from down the hall. Deal with them and then head for where they are.

After looting the bodies there are a number of things to find and collect before pressing on toward Grim. Start by dropping to the level below and going over to the right. Look for the stone passage to the right and going down it. Here you will find a Document (Mathias: Obsession). Continue down the passage to the east to find a Relic sitting just outside it to the right (Jade Drinking Vessel). Head over to the West now. There are a few things to do here before heading  into the Northeast.

Go over to the West and into the piece of Plane wreckage. You will find a Corpse and the Tenth GPS Cache. Continue on over to the West around the fence to find the final Alarm you need to break for the Silencer Challenge. Drop down into the nearby area and head over to the fence to grab the Eleventh GPS Cache. Face to the South to find a barricaded doorway you can blast through. Grab the salvage to the left and head into the bush in front of you to find the Twelfth GPS Cache

Now head to the North through the small passage there. Climb up the wall and turn around to jump the gap to the next ledge. There you will find the Thirteenth GPS Cache. Now turn around and cross the beam back. Be sure to take some time here to loot all the Salvage Crates. The ones in the middle of the room that hang suspended are trickier to get. 2 can be shot from heading down to the ground floor and firing from nearby the containers of Molten material. The final ones can be shot from above ground, on the walkways that surround it.

Finally head back to camp. You can see a tunnel leading off into the mountain. This leads to the Chamber of Judgment Challenge Tomb. As you head in toward the Tomb, look over to the left. Just a short ways in you will find the Fourteen GPS Cache in the area.