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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 48 – Gone Missing (Cliffside Bunker)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 48 – Gone Missing (Cliffside Bunker)

 Head through the tunnel to entrance Cliffside Bunkers themselves. Head on through them. Once on the other side go straight forward and into the grass by the post. In there you will find the First GPS Cache in the area. There is also some Fruit right by it. Turn to the right after collecting those to find the Bunker Vista Camp (and a Salvage Crate on the far side of the fire). Now go over to the post and shoot an arrow into the craggy surface on the opposite side of the falls. Take the Rope Bridge across after that and then work your way over to the left, navigating the rock face and the piping around the Artillery Cannon that rests above Lara. Climb up into the bunker when you can.

Once inside the bunker, grab what Salvage you can and burn the Flag with the Red Sun Icon on it to the left of the Artillery Cannon. This will begin the Previous Inhabitants Challenge where you need to burn a total of 4 flags. Now head through the crack in the wall that sits to the right of where the flag was. Squeeze through it.

On the other side there are 5 Solarii in the room that need to be dealt with. You can start shooting though it is not quite recommended. A Stealth Approach has its merits here. Start by looking to the left and picking off the Wielder over there with your bow. Quickly get the second one on the same side as you as well. Now move to the back of the area and look up toward the generator they are hauling up. Shoot it down to cause a big explosion to take care of most of the Solarii in the area. At this point it becomes a gun fight. Move around and keep moving to avoid getting pinned by the remaining Solarii but also to keep the damage to the rest of the area minimal. After that just wipe out the rest that appear.

Wit the fighting down head back to where you entered the area. Go to the Southern corner to find the second GPS Cache in the area. After that head to the Northeast, across the plaza to where all the controls are. To the right of the controls, on a desk, you will find the first document of the area (Scientist: In Search Of The Star). Now take a little time to restock on ammo. After that head to the North and through the doorway there.

Move slowly down the hallway listening for the Solarii who are waiting at the top of the stairs. They will throw a red barrel down the stairs. Move back to avoid the blast then get rest for another gun battle. You can also just use the grenade launcher on the Rifle to quickly deal with the nest of Solarii. Head on up the stairs after that and go over to the right. Inside here you will find more Salvage in addition to whatever you can pry off the dead bodies.

With that done head over to the left. This will renew the assault from the Solarii and you enter the higher levels of the Plaza again. There are a good number of Solarii this time that you need to deal with. In the batch you will find one Melee Soldier who will come at you with a Katana. Either blast him with the Shotgun to quickly cut through his armor or use a few Dodge Counters to get the kill on him. He will appear in the midst of the fire fight so be alert for him. Aside from there take out the 2 who are opposite you on the same level, the 1 above you to the left of the corner and the one around the corner to the left.

With the Solarii dead head around the corner to the left and jump the gap. Head into the first room on the left to find some more ammo and a bit of Salvage. From there head back out the door and run straight across to jump onto the post and swing onto the wall. Climb up the planks and take cover behind the pillar. More Solarii will fire down on you from the roof of this building. Look to the left of the pillar. Some of the Solarii are hiding behind a Red Barrel. Hit it with a Fire Arrow or some bullets to quickly dispatch that group on the roof. Search for Salvage then make for the hanging container.