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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 50 – Gone Missing (The Endurance to Cliffside Bunker)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 50 – Gone Missing (The Endurance to Cliffside Bunker)

Head through the newly formed hole in the deck to the level below. From there turn to the Southewest and head down the hallway. Go forward until Lara enters her former cabin. After the cutscene look on the floor to find the third Document in this area (Final Endurance Crew Sam: Adventures With Lara). With it in hand head on out into the hallway quietly. There is a guard patrolling not too far away. Move up behind him after he has finished talking or just wait for him to start down the corridor and go for a quick head shot before he realizes you are targeting him. Head out to the ledge after that and you have a second Solarii at the base of the Zipline. Pick him off then head on down.

Head on down the corridor ahead of you until you reach the flooded cargo room. Go forward and around the corner to the left. Head into the next room and go to the far side to find Alex pinned by some metal. Time to get through to this guy. Turn around and look for the nearest Rope Target, it is a Crago hook. Grab it with the Rope Arrow and use the Ascender to pull it toward Lara. The path is blocked close to the end so you cannot get the hook into position strangely. Time to work on this problem.

Head over to the Cargo hook and jump on it so it slides over to the West. Head to the South of it then use another Rope Arrow to pull it closer. Now jump on it so it goes over to the East. Climb on up the ladder to get to the maintenance access area you need. Head over to the piping and give it a few kicks with the prompted button. After that Alex sounds to be in really bad shape. Time to work on getting him out.

Pull the Cargo hook toward the back of the room, where you came in. There is a small bit where you can easily get it aligned with the wiring here. From there you just need to head over toward the Wiring and pull the Cargo Hook toward Lara. It will hook onto the Live Wire. Now head back to the other side of the room and pull the Cargo Hook away from the doorway to clear said Doorway. Head in to start a cutscene that does not end too well. Lara will immediately start running forward. Keep up with her and then she will jump. Aim for the Zipline and she will grab onto it. Once on it just use the Rope Ascender to very quickly transverse the rope, saving Lara's life.

Use the Rope Ascender to quickly transverse the distance needed to get back to the Endurance Overlook Camp. When you get there look for the large Metal Object with the Rope wrapped around it. Hit it with a Rope Arrow and use the Ascender to pull it down to the floor in front of you. This will punch a hole and let you get at some new items. Head into the hole to trigger a cutscene and get Lara the Fourth Document in the area (Scientist: Secret Of The Island).

Head back into the Plaza where you went against all those Solarii. It is time to crack open a door here to get the next Relic and some Salvage. Head out of the room you landed in, prying open the door, and over to the right. Drop down to the level below and move away from the wall. You will find the Rope Target on the same wall with the door you just came through. Hit it with a Rope Arrow and use the Ascender to pull the door open. Inside is a Salvage Net and to the right, on the desk is the second Relic (100 Mon Coin). Head on out of the room after that and go Southwest to get to the crack that will let you move forward.