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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 19 – Red Star Rising (Find The Archangel Command Center And Prevent Armageddon)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough  Part 19 – Red Star Rising (Find The Archangel Command Center And Prevent Armageddon)

As the dust settles from the last encounter you will find yourself facing a Devastator. Since you took over just after the fight it is not immediately aware of your existence. If it was aware, it likely launches a quick barrage but if you are out of its line of sight then it will stop after that. This gives you the choice of fighting it or just sneaking by it. For a quick kill on the Devastator then pull out the Thermite Arrows and launch them into its face. This will take it down in only a few shots. For regular combat, just activate Armor Mode, duck out of cover and blast away its face. For those who want to sneak, just head over to the left and then go through the hole it made in the wall in front of you.

When the Devastator goes down then you want to make for the wall behind it. From there go over to the right and keep on that side. You will find an arrow cache but using your Visor frequently will yield some CELL Intel in one of the alleys. It is just down the alley to the left of the Arrow Cache so nothing too bad to search for. Be sure you have the Visor up as you head down the alleyway as it is on a corpse's wrist which makes it very easy to miss.

With those items in hand head toward the main objective. Head down the alley and over to the right. Approach the ledge and use your visor. You will find a large number of Stalkers working over CELL Soldiers. You can bypass the whole fight simply by cloaking and dropping over the ledge. From there just head over to the left. You will find a building the CELL Troops are using as a headquarters. Kill anyone blocking your way in and get inside. If you run low on energy, head over to the right of the building for a stop over to recharge. In a way this is recommended as you can easily track down the propaganda poster from this location and find the other piece of upcoming CELL Intel so you can see it a bit later.

Time to work on getting inside the building from the right. Just head through the opening to the left of your present location to get started. Move in slowly as there is a Soldier who runs around this area. Either get him with a stealth kill or just kill him with an arrow. After that go up the stairs. There is a second Soldier looking out the window by a Heavy Machine Gun. Take him out quietly. Look around the same room to find more ammo. Go into the next room to the left to find the CELL Intel you located earlier (if you ducked over to the left). Be sure to use your visor to find the second piece of CELL Intel (it is a poster that gives you some propaganda).

From here you can start heading toward the main objective without too much trouble. Cloak and head back outside. You can get at the turrets in the middle of the field. Take a little time to hack them (with the Sensor Upgrade it takes very little time) to create enough of a distraction you can make it there without any trouble. From there just head over to the main objective. Keep this up until you are contacted by Claire.