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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 7: A Day At the Fair (Shady Lane to Blue Ribbon Restaurant)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 7: A Day At the Fair (Shady Lane to Blue Ribbon Restaurant)

Head over to the Southwest, down the pathway to Shady Lane. As you enter look to the left to find a Grocery Store. DeWitt can raid it quickly if he needs more health. Be sure that you have full Health and Salts before continuing past the Grocer's.

Health: 14330, Ranged Damage: 240, Melee Damage: 300, Special Damage: 360. Special Attack: Explosion

The Fireman is a much tougher foe than anything you have fought so far. First, his is wreathed in flames. This makes getting into melee with him exceptionally dangerous. Second, he can lob fiery grenades at Booker. These land and detonate which just spreads the flames farther. Next he has a charge attack he likes to use to close the gap between himself and Booker. This attack is particularly dangerous toward the end of the fight. The reason for this is simple: he self-destructs. This is a massive attack and can easily kill Booker in some cases.

Just as you pass the gate into Shady Lane you will encounter this foe. You have a short window as the fight starts to simply open fire on him. Use it to your advantage to either shoot him or send a blast of Possession at him. You can use this window of time to shoot him or just get to cover if needed. Shooting is recommended though. If you can hit him with Possession twice then more likely than not you can end the fight safely.

If you cannot get possession to take then immediately move into cover. There are a lot of carts that Booker can hide behind. Take liberal advantage of these. This will ensure that you are protected against the blast radius of the grenades and at least stop his charge attack coming at you.

When the fight is over, head over to the corpse. There you will find your second Vigor: Devil's Kiss. This has 2 modes of fire. The first, used by tapped the Vigor button, lets Booker lob the fiery grenades at his foes. The second, used by holding the Vigor Button, lets him create a magma trap on any surface.

Head over to the right and up the stairs. This will give you a good amount of cover. It will also let you easily fire on the Gun Automaton that sits on that side of the upcoming plaza. Alternatively you can possess side Automaton and head into the plaza. This will get the attention of the local police who will come charging at you. Change over to Devil's Kiss, look for oil slicks on the ground and lob a burst of fire at it. If you run out of Salts there are also Fireworks Barrels around the area. Simply shoot them as the Policemen approach to take out a few at a time. There are not too many that rush Booker here.

After the fighting head through the open gate and over to the left. Look around to find a purse with some loot in it. Skip the other side. Once the police are dead then Booker will want to search the rest of the area. You can find some more loot. When you are ready to move on then head for the West side of the area, going up the stairs and to the Blue Ribbon Restaurant. Once again Booker will want to search the outside patio of the Restaurant before going in.