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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 28: Guns For The Lady (Fort Franklin Pier)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 28: Guns For The Lady (Fort Franklin Pier)

Booker comes to after getting clobbered by Elizabeth. He is in and out of consciousness after that and things do not look too good for some of it. It does not help any when someone else comes along and slugs Booker again. When he comes to he is being held out over the exit of the ship. Daisy Fitzroy has commandeered the ship from Booker and she makes him a deal. She will return the ship to him if he gets the Vox Populi the guns they need. Once he agrees then she has her aid throw Booker down onto the docks below.

Head forward and to the left to collect some health and some silver eagles. After that head into the building on the left. Listen to the clerks talk some then look around the office. You will find a Vigors Vending Machine offering some new upgrades. You will also find a Voxophone sitting between the 2 desks on the left: Hattie Gerst “God's Blueprint”. After that head on back out to the dock and make your way over to the right. Head down the dock and over to the left. Cut across the barge on the left and into the office beyond it. Head over to the left you will see a Police Officer just looking at you. While you cannot take possession of him the moment you touch anything in this office the police force is called on you.

A good thing to do is before touching anything just shoot the officer so avoid him coming at you. After that get behind the desk and be ready for the Policemen that will be coming after you. Fight through them until they stop rushing you. At that point you can search the desk, gear box and safe to claim the goods that lie within.

Now head over to the door and have possession at the ready. There is a trio of Mosquitoes suspended in the air. Use Possession on one of them to make your life notably easiest to just take them all out. Now deal with the forces that are outside of the office. There are at least 4 more Founders that are attacking Booker. After a while a Motorized Patriot will join the fight as well. Just stay in the office and pick it off using Shock Jockey and a high power weapon.

When the dust settles from the fight head down the ramp and over to the right. Take a little time to loot the corpses. Hang to the left and head head back toward the main part of the dock. There is a lockpick sitting along the left-hand side of this far dock behind the first pillar from the office. Head through to the hallway on the right after that.

Go on through the hallway and turn to the right. You will see a working overlooking an accident. There are Shock Jockey Crystals so pick them off with anything you have on hand (save the crank gun or RPG). Head through the open cargo container on the left after refilling your Salts if needed from the Vigor Bottles on hand. After that just head through the double doors to continue your chase after Elizabeth. You will find her just on the other side of the double doors. Give chase, ducking and weaving through the obstacles that show up. Follow her through the tears and get into the office she heads into. Look around it for the Voxophone: Vivian Monroe “Shame Of My Service”.