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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 46: Family Reunion (Grand Central: Dining Area)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 46: Family Reunion (Grand Central: Dining Area)

Inside this lobby, head first for Ticketing. Over to the right you will find a safe (3 Picks). Look in the small storage room behind ticketing to find another Heater. If you have more Lockpicks then turn and  head for The Salty Oyster Bar (3 Picks). Inside here you will find a small group of Founders that were hiding out. Kill them off then you are free to explore the bar itself.

Head back to the door of the bar to start. Go down the stairs to the right and look to the right of the trunk. You will find a Lockpick sitting there that you can collect. Now turn toward the booths. Look under the first booth to the left to find a Gear Box. Continue on that path, up the stairs past the Minuteman's Armory to find the rest rooms. Between them you will find a Kinetoscope “Lutece's Brother Arrives In Columbia”. Head into the far rest room after that. Look to the right to find a Silver Bar as well as some weaponry and ammo (Pistol and RPG). With all that in hand head on out of the bar.

Go up the stairs behind the ticketing office now. You will encounter a number more Vox Populi who seem to be holding a few civilian hostage. Take a little time to check your fire or simply use Undertow to yank them toward Booker. If you have the Hetaer still you can continue to use it to devastating effect. The same can be said for Shock Jockey. Be careful though, in their number is a Fireman. Be sure to handle him carefully. Remember to loot his body especially as you can count on a Lockpick being on him. Head on through the room behind him after that and go on up the final set of stairs, but do it carefully.

When you arrive there the Vox will attack Booker and Elizabeth. It is a larger force that is backed up by a Motorized Patriot. This time there is no second Patriot for you to counter their with. There are a lot of Vox but it should be getting easier to handle them. The Heater /Undertow Combination or just combining it with Shock Jockey  is a great aid all on its own. This can help a lot to thin the force rushing at you. If you look around there are a number of tears you can use as well. 2 of them are Tesla Coils. Either knock enemies into them using Bucking Bronco or pull them past the Coils using Undertow. While this will not work on everything it still offers some great damage.

After you get through most of the initial force a pair of Firemen will come into the fight. Thankfully they are staggered. One will go down then the second will make its appearance. Just fight them and be sure to loot the bodies for the Lockpicks that they always have.

When the fighting settles it is time to start exploring this large room. Head back to the top of the stairs and go over to the left. You will find the first of 2 ticketing offices here. Inside the main part of the office you will find a safe (3 picks). Head into the nearby storage room to find a Voxophone: Rosalind Lutece “Whispers Through The Walls”. Now head over to the opposite side of the stairs to find the second ticketing office in this area. Head into the small storage room and look on the cloth to find a Lockpick. After that just take some time to go over everything to collect the ammo and supplies you can. When you are to move forward then head up the stairs in the back portion of the lobby.