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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 64: Flight Of The Songbird

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 64: Flight Of The Songbird

Jump out of the bridge and head over to the reactor. Take a moment or two just to look around the top portion of the airship. To either side of the reactor you will find cover you can ask Elizabeth to pull through Tears. You will also find a lot of ammo, health and Salts scattered throughout the area. Be sure to take some time to equip gear that grants invulnerability. Be it from the Sky-Line or eating, this small chance can be a major life saver.

The Songbird is on your side and you get to use it now to destroy enemy targets. The size of the target determines the cooldown. The bigger the target the longer it takes for it to completely regain its strength. Attacking the ground takes around 10 seconds to recover from. Having it attack a Gunship takes close to 30 seconds to recover from. Having Songbird go after one of the Zeppelins is the longest, potentially 60 seconds. Still, the fact it can easily take down any of these foes and do it quickly is a great boon.

The first part of the fight is simple as you are introduced to controlling the Songbird against the barges and the Vox on the deck itself. As much as possible, do what you can to keep something between the reactor and the Vox, even if it is Booker himself. Just grab one of the RPGs that sits nearby and start unloading on the groups of Vox. Keep in mind that Murder Of Crows is great as well since it does damage and distracts your opponents.

The second part of the battle brings in more Gunships but also Motorized Patriots. These are a lot harder to deal with. Still, they are a great target for Possession. As there is hardly a shortage of supplies then you want to target them with Possession as often as possible. This will get the others to fire on them occasionally. Most importantly it cuts down the incoming damage on the reactor itself. As low at the reactor gets, as long as it does not die you can make it on through. Next aim for the Gunships. Whenever possible, target the gunships with Songbird before they get close enough to disgorge their soldiers. This will help as well.

The final part of the battle is the most intense. You have the enemy zeppelins closing in and a dire need to take them down. While the cooldown is the longest, sic the Songbird on each of them individually. There is one that will drift in front of The Hand Of The Prophet and one of each of its sides.

Remember, throughout the battle to use the Sky-Line. The Sky-Line Strike can be an instant kill on even the Heavies (Beasts) if you can knock them off the zeppelin. Keep in mind that Undertow can do that as well. If you can trigger invulnerability from leaping off the Sky-Lines then all the more reason to ride them.

When the battle comes to an end follow Elizabeth up to the bow of the zeppelin. From there just blow on the whistler. It will call the Songbird to destroy Monument Island. After that just follow Elizabeth through the strange place and into the device. Once inside activate it to see what she means by a “doorway”. From there head into the door from there follow Elizabeth to the next door and open it. Just follow the events after that. This will eventually lead to the end.

Congratulations on beating Bioshock Infinite!