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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Kerrigan Abilities: Spawn Leviathan (Level 60)

One of Kerrigan’s two most powerful abilities available, Spawn Leviathan consumes 100 energy with a 5-minute cooldown timer to call down a Zerg Leviathan from the sky.  This massive flying unit dwarfs anything short of a Heroic battleship, both in size and in raw power.  It has six massive spiked tentacles just like those on a sunken colony, which deal comparable damage with almost comparable range, but can attack both flying and landbound targets.  As if that weren’t enough, this massive creature has a large energy pool and two deadly abilities- one launches a mass of purple goo that locks down enemy units, debilitating them and preventing motion, and the other spews a mass of bile that deals considerable damage over time.  With a moderate move speed, the Leviathan will easily keep up with the bulk of your ground forces, and its massive bank of health means it is borderline impossible to shoot out of the air even when you have no other flying units to draw fire.  While the Leviathan does have a life-timer, the timer is so long that it hardly matters- just summon it before you begin your main assault and then cease to worry about whether or not it will last long enough- the raw power of the thing lets it practically be an assault in and of itself.

While the damage of the Leviathan is somewhat focused compared to Apocalypse thanks to its being a single unit with attacks and abilities, the fact that the Leviathan lingers around for several minutes means that it’s almost certain to deal more total damage than the doom blast, and to a much larger array of targets besides.  Additionally, since the Leviathan isn’t tethered to anything, you can even send it to attack from a different angle than Kerrigan or your other forces, creating a pincer movement where one of the two claws is a single unit that can easily be managed.  It’s not as overall effective at drawing attention and spreading damage as the Drop-Pods ability, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, since it can’t be split up and killed by portions- as long as it has health left, it’s still got all six attacks and both abilities to apply towards reducing your enemies to a sludgy mush.

As a single unit of power unmatched even by the only star ship to compare to its size, the Leviathan is a huge factor in any battle that you bring it to, and it is difficult to recommend it enough- it flies over terrain, deals massive damage, soaks even more damage than it deals, and just sort of generally hangs overhead and dooms your enemies.