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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Kerrigan Abilities: Drop-Pods (Level 60)

Drop-Pods is the last of Kerrigan’s level 60 abilities, and like Spawn Leviathan, it is a force unto and of itself.  Again costing 100 energy and possessed of a five-minute cooldown, Drop-Pods summons a mass of Primal Zerg, each more powerful and durable than their swarm counterpart, that can be commanded like any other of your units and bolster your main forces.  While they have duration timers they, like the Leviathan, last so long that it hardly actually matters that the timers are there.

These units are, thanks to being Primal Zerg, of a different size than the ones you are used to- the roaches are considerably larger, the ultralisks are smaller, and the ultralisks and zerglings are barely recognizable.  However it is, though, the ability summons 40 Primal zerglings, 5 Primal roaches, 5 Primal hydralisks, and 2 Primal ultralisks in the target area, which arrive over the next 2-3 seconds.

Because the Primal zerg are both more durable and more powerful than your swarm zerg, this ability is even better than it sounds- although it is unfortunate that the Primal zerg don’t benefit from the alterations you accomplished with the Evolution Pit and Evolution Missions throughout the campaign.  The roaches are harder and their acid more damaging, the hydralisks are even more destructive, and you’ll find that the zerglings actually survive combat more often than not, which is far from what can be expected of standard swarm zerglings even with the improved health evolution.

These forces, since they spawn at about a half-screen distance from Kerrigan at maximum, can be used as either shock troops that lead your main forces in, or as a surprise drop behind enemy lines into the middle of a base or a cluster of enemy ranged forces.  While they lack any of the abilities that make the Leviathan even more dangerous than its bulk and power would imply, their overall ability to deal damage at once is higher, if less focused.  This makes them even more destructive than the Leviathan- provided that they mostly or all survive each combat.  Whether they’re used as frontline tanks or just mixed in with your regular forces- or used as their own separate force- is up to you to decide, but in no situation are they notably worse or better than having the Leviathan- unless your enemy is fielding primarily airborne forces.  In that case, you’d rather have the Leviathan just because of the entire roster of Primal zerg that you generate with the Drop-Pods ability, only the Hydralisks attack air- but you’re not going to encounter such a case during the campaign anyway, so it’s a moot point.