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Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Walkthrough Part 24 – X Marks The Spot: The Leviathan

Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Walkthrough Part 24 – X Marks The Spot: The Leviathan

Run down the length of the corridor and get to the next marker after defeating Roscoe and claiming Scarlett's pistol. Just wait a moment and you will be facing down the Leviathan itself.

The Leviathan
This is simply the largest boss of any in the Borderlands games. It does not have a lot of attacks but those it has you simply do not want to hit you.

Rock Throw: The worm-like tongue of the Leviathan is ducked beneath the platform and then emerges carrying numerous rocks which it will then throw at the Vault Hunter.

Screech: The Leviathan gives a roar, unleashing a tangible gust of air. Getting caught in these can easily strip away even the strongest of shields.

Worm Summon: The Leviathan slams its 2 claw forearms into the area. This can summon anywhere from 1 to 4 sand worms that immediately start attacking the Vault Hunter. Toward the end of the fight it will also summon Sand Worm Queens.

Killing the Leviathan
While most of the Leviathan is immune to the majority of damage there are 4 Vulnerable spots found on its body. These manifest at as blue-colored cysts. There are 2 on its head, best to think of as eyes. 1 in its month on the underside of its worm-like tongue. Finally there is 1 on its chest.

It is recommended to go for the one inside the mouth first. It is the hardest to get exposed as it will only be vulnerable when the tongue is grabbing boulders and letting out its screech. You can get it to do either of these things by simply shooting it in the face. If it winds up being the last vulnerable point then give it some time and it will simply send its tongue out for you to shoot at while it tries to kill you from above.

When the fight is over head to the corpse of the leviathan and cross over to the other side of the room using it. Go through the door and you will trigger the credit sequence. After that completes you can head deeper into the treasure trove. Climb up to the top of the pyramid in the center of this area and you will find a massive number of chests. Loot the ones in the center then work your way out. This is a great way to quickly get some major cash or some serious weaponry. Either way take your time to loot all of this area for every last weapon.

When you are done with looting head over to the area exit that will take you to Oasis. From there just head over to Kitty Kream and talk with Shade to finish off the story missions of the DLC. Shade will also give you the Raid Boss quest of this DLC. If you want to go through the Leviathan's Lair again for treasure simply go to the Oasis Bounty Board and grab the mission available.

Congratulations on beating Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty!