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Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 16 – Sidequest: Southern Speedway (Part 3)

Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 16 – Sidequest: Southern Speedway (Part 3)

Matter Of Taste
Head into the Southern Speedway and go straight to the South from the Exit. You will find a walled in camp that you can walk into. Head through the gateway and you will find Buff Gamer's hideout. Time to deal with him and his crones at the behest of Mr. Torque.

The first part is filled with Enforcers and a few other types of enemies. It is the Enforcers who present the biggest threat because of their durability, shields and melee attacks. Deal with the others quickly or as needed but otherwise focus on these fellows. With those all dead continue onto the South. Head on up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs you have quite a few Momma's Boys to deal with. Inside are only a couple enforcers. Kill them off and head on up toward the stairs. This will prompt Buff Gamer G to make his appearance. Kill him off quickly (as he is not as hard to kill as an Enforcer) and finish off whoever is around. With them all dead one of the other reviewers will still ECHO you and Mr. Torque, asking you to leave off as you killed Buff Gamer. Mr Torque agrees and tells you to head back to the Badass Bounty Board to claim your reward.

As you leave the area, Game Critic will say something else that gets to Mr. Torque. He will tell you to kill them all off. There are a good 20+ remaining so just go to town and kill your way from the front to the back once again. There are still a few Badasses to deal with so be careful.

Rewards: $2,344, 6867 XP

Gas Guzzlers
Accept this mission from the Badass Crater Bounty Board. Sir Hammerlock wants you to track down the Gas-guzzling rakks and see what you can learn about them (and by learn, he ultimately means kill). Head to the Southern Raceway to get started here. Head over to the East and look for the small path, a short ways from the gate. You will find it leading into the Mountains. It is in this area you will find the Rakks you are looking for. They are hardy fellows and you need to deal with them all.

As you fight through a number of different Rakk types (including Slagged, Chubby and at least 1 Badass) you will be contacted by both Hammerlock and Scooter. Scooter wants you to turn the sacs over to him because he is afraid of Hammerlock and making a genetically engineered Super Rakk. For once there is no fear of that. Just go for whichever sounds more interesting.

Rewards: $234, Blue Assault Rifle (Hammerlock) or Blue Shotgun (Scooter), 6867 XP