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Dead Island: Riptide Characters – Logan Carter (Overview)

Dead Island: Riptide Characters – Logan Carter (Overview)

Health – 100
Speed – 100
Stamina – 80

Auto retrieval of Thrown Weapons, Aiming at multiple enemies in fury mode, Resistance to fire damage, Higher Damage and health regeneration while intoxicated.

Expertise: Throwing Expert
Logan can throw like no one else in the game. His skill trees reflect this as well. As you go deeper into them you can increase the rage gained by connecting with thrown weaponry. He also can boast a proficiency that can be built up and increase the damage down with one-handed weaponry as well.

Skill Trees
This works as the cornerstone skill tree toward the throwing of things to kill off the zombies by throwing things at them. If nothing else it will do a great job of softening them up before they get in close. Mix in the inherit ability to retrieve thrown weapons and you will have something to work with even when supplies have otherwise been scarce. These skills will also increase the distance that Logan can throw his various weapons as well with “Mass Driver”. From there you will find the skills “Mighty Throw”: increasing the damage done, “Economical Throw”: damaging more enemies at once, “Shinobi”: Instant Kill Chance with throws, and “Telling Blow”, increasing Critical Hit Chance with Thrown.

Fury: Bulleye
Using this rage is a great way to thin the ranks of the undead. The big feature is the fact you can throw an unlimited amount of knives up to 15m away. This is to start and you can hit 2 targets at once. As you increase your skills then you increase the total number of targets you can hit with a single throw. This increases to with investments in “True Bullseye” and “Deadeye Bullseye”: that will increase the total number of targets hit to 3 and 4 respectively.

It is in this skill set you find Logan's ability to retrieve the weapons he has thrown. It will also increase the chance of the thrown weapon returning. With “Boomerang” by 15%. Add “Reliable Boomerang” to increase it by 30%. The final skill here is “Righteous Boomerang”, the chance to retrieve the thrown increases to 50%. While not perfect, it will still ensure your thrown weapons return enough that you will not be wanting.