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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 4 – They're Heee-ere

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 4 – They're Heee-ere

When Rex comes to he is in one of the lairs of the Blood Dragons. Dr. Elizabeth Darling has patched into your comm and is giving you some assistance to get on out of there. Head forward and over to the left to find a narrow passage to crouch through. Look down at the blue goo. When you see the corpse fall Rex will look up and see one of the Blood Dragons that was just feasting on one of the dead Cyber-Soldiers. This is one time being aggressive is a horrible idea. Crouch and start sneaking off the left-hand side for now. Move slowly and carefully.

When the left side gives a clear view of the next Blood Dragon start crossing over to the right. Keep going at a steady pace and make for the rock. Pause there if needed then head over to the right-hand side. You will spot some bushes none too far away. Make for those and slip through them to get closer to the marker.

As Rex closes on the marker he will see one of the Dragons is basking around the exit he needs to use. Move over to either of the nearby corpses and pilfer it to get a Cyber heart. Pull it out and throw it past the Blood Dragon so it will turn and head toward the heart. Move past it quietly and start down the slope. Dr. Darling will recommend collecting more Cyber Hearts and with good reason. It will not be too long before you need to perform that same feat again. Keep going down the slope to the right and head for the marker. You will find more corpses at a marker. Pilfer them both for Cyber Hearts. Continue down the slope and loot the pulsing bodies to stock pile a number more hearts.

With a larger quantity of Cyber Hearst on hand head for the heart marker. Aim and throw on the Cyber Hearts at that location and get to some cover. This will lure one of the Blood Dragons to that location and they will engage the soldiers there. After a few Eye-laser blast the area will be clear. Wait for the dragon to move away then make for the marker that will appear after a brief talk with Dr. Darling.

Once through the shield you will find some weaponry you can lay claim to inside the bunker in the center of this area. With the bow in your hands, head outside and find the zip-line heading over to the next garrison. You have a number of ways you can take it down: If you disable the mega-shields, the Blood Dragons will come charging in (done by disabling the shield at the console or destroying the generator, you can kill everyone inside or lure a Blood Dragon to the gates with a Cyber Heart.

With all those options in mind it is time to turn your attention to the soldiers below. Start by using your cyber-eye to tag the enemies in the area. From there you have a number of options. Direct fighting is the easiest one though you have a bow (though a second weapon, a smg, can be acquired by searching the base). As always, it helps to disable the alarms first before engaging the foes, but that is a suggestion.

When the fighting is over Dr. Darling will want to meet with Rex. A marker is placed inside the main building of the garrison you just took over. Go over to the marked control panel and interact with it to get inside and meet with Elizabeth again. She will offer an upgrade to Rex who turns it down. From there you will complete “They're Heee-ere” and get a quick pop-up on the Adventure Cabinets which offer the secondary missions in this game.