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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 8 – Punch It (Protect The Engineer to the Coolant Lake)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 8 – Punch It (Protect The Engineer to the Coolant Lake)

Head on down the corridor with the engineer. As you take the first turn you will find a store in case you need to stock on any supplies, change out guns or upgrade any. From there just go charging down the next hallway and up the stairs. This will get the engineer to pause a good, safe distance from the fire fight that is coming.

Head to the top of the stairs and get into the next computer room. You will see lots of bright lights letting you know you are there. It also has a number of Cyber-Soldiers for you to deal with. Head over to the right and duck into the office. Move carefully through it. As you get the edge of the office, use the cyber eye to find the local Soldiers. Mark them then it is time to start dealing with more of them.

Begin with the close one. Throw a dice to either distract him or lure him toward you. Take him out and, if possible, use a Shuriken Takedown on the second nearby guard. If not then you just need to move in toward the next one and once again, lure him closer or distract him to take him down. Keep this pattern up until you clear the area and the Engineer heads in.

If you find yourself in a full battle here be careful. A Flamer will come in and join the fray. Remember the quickest and easiest way to kill him is to get behind him and shoot him in the fuel tank. This will only add the Flamer and a few more Cyber-Soldiers if reinforcements are called in. It is still easier to just stealth through, killing the lot of them.

When the soldiers are down, the Engineer will come in. He will start opening the door as Sloan gets on the Comm with Rex. The two talk some about the war in which Canada got nuked into a Wasteland. Head on through the door and over to the right. The Engineer will once, wisely, hang back and stay out of the fight. From there it is time for Rex to get to work again. This time, there is no stealth, just combat and blood.

There are a number of Cyber-Soldiers, a Flamer and Heavy Unit in this area. If possible, ambush the Flamer (and 1 more will join the fray later) and the Heavy to make things easier to handle as they are not easy to take down directly, save with a shotgun. Get through the first part of the fight and a second Flamer will appear in the area. Kill him as quickly as you can. From there it is a simple matter of finishing off the remaining Cyber-Soldiers.

When the fight is over for where the Engineer stops. He will be opening the door as Sloan and Rex have another back and forth, albeit a brief one this time.  From there Sloan talks at Rex about the combat protocols. The Engineer in the mean time will open the way to the coolant lake. Sloan realizes this and orders the release of the cyber sharks.