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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 10 – What Is This Shit? (Garrison to Prototype 1)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 10 – What Is This Shit? (Garrison to Prototype 1)

Loot a few cyber hearts from the corpses and head off. If nothing else, fast travel to the one liberated garrison to restock and grab a vehicle. You need to head to the East, toward the next closest garrison to find the next of mission objectives. Keep the roads to make the driving easier in general. Get over to the nearby garrison. If nothing else, head in, with a car, get to the far side and then use the mounted gun to quickly kill off all the enemies that will be rushing you. Get through the first part of the oncoming force and then head into the garrison on foot to finish them off or just go in and continue to use your car's mounted gun. It remains easiest to finish off a garrison by going in on foot to wipe the remaining forces out.

With the garrison near the objective marker cleared you will find some new side objectives available at the adventure cabinet. You should also take some time to visit the store in the garrison to stock up on your supplies and make sure you have plenty of health (and armor if you have the spare money). With everything settled in regards to the garrison for now you will want to turn to the South and head for the Quest area marker.

Once you make it into the area Dr. Darling will give you a quick run down about the facility. Time for you to either sneak through the camp and into the lab itself or just kill everyone above ground and then start on your way below. There are around 5 soldiers with some on the tops of the silos. Keep that in mind as you start into the area. When you finish the soldiers outside head of the middle of the area. You will find a mega shield over the enter so head right on through it. This will get you inside the facility itself. Head on down the ramp and over to the right. To the right of the door there you will find the access panel you want. Interact with it to get into the Nursery itself.

Once inside you will find, opposite the entrance, a shop. Use it to restock on any of the ammo you need. Dr. Darling will tell you more about the facility, explaining that they are developing a control mechanism for the Blood Dragons. If you shoot off the “brain cage” from the back of the Blood Dragon's skull then they will revert to their normal, blood thirsty selves. From there start sneaking down the hallway, going for takedowns as much as possible. You have 4 “brain cage prototypes to destroy. Head down the slope and move through the hallway. When it opens up you will find a crossover with a single guard on it. Throw a die past them and move in for a takedown. Turn to the right after that and look over the ledge. You will likely spot 2 more Cyber-Soldiers beneath you. You can get a Death from Above takedown on one and use a Shuriken Takedown on the next for a quick kill.

On the walkway below head forward and move carefully toward the next room. You have a lot of  8 soldiers in it, including 2 Heavies, guarding the first of 4 Brain Cage Prototypes. Try to get the Heavy down at least then work on the rest of the men. Kill all the men by the entrance and in the assembly room you find yourself in. Head over to the right and you will find the prototype itself: shoot it to destroy it. This tends to draw out the remaining forces so deal with them quickly.