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Diablo III- Skills Article XXXI: The Barbarian, Theorycraft Three: Surging Rage

With the right combination of runes, the Barbarian can be set to extend Wrath of the Berserker over a considerable span of time- and all the while toss out devastating corpse bombs by repeatedly filling and emptying its Fury orb.

Primary Skill- Cleave (Reaping Swing)
Secondary Skill- Whirlwind (Wind Shear)
Defensive Skill- Ground Stomp (Foot of the Mountain)
Might Skill- Ancient Spear (Skirmish)
Tactics Skill- Weapon Throw (Dread Bomb)
Rage Skill- Wrath of the Berserker (Thrive on Chaos)
Passive Skills- Weapons Master, Animosity, Unforgiving

By putting together Dread Bomb, Thrive on Chaos, and all three of the Passives that can regularly generate Fury, as well as a pair of 30-Fury skills (Foot of the Mountain and Skirmish) and the up-Furied Reaping Swing, this setup can generate huge amounts of rage in a short time, particularly when wielding a Mighty weapon (or two).  As long as the player keeps an eye on their Fury orb, they can ensure that they’re throwing a Dread Bomb every time it fills- emptying it out and allowing them to generate still more Fury.  While the build has no way to cluster enemies up, it loves a cluttered battlefield- between Reaping Swing, Dread Bomb and Whirlwind, it really wants to smack as many things at once as possible- all the better to not only generate more Fury but simply hand out more damage.  If you can handle the battlefield management, Furious Charge (Merciless Assault) or Furious Charge (Stamina) can generate even more Fury even faster than Ancient Spear (Skirmish), though they result in very differently-functioning Barbarians.  Furious Charge (Merciless Assault) results in streaking back and forth across the battlefield and occasionally lobbing a deadly corpse.  Furious Charge (Stamina) instead leaves you a lot of time to use your other skills, though generally each dash that sunders a swath of battlefield will be immediately followed by a Dread Bomb corpse.

Depending on how things work for the player, No Escape may turn out to be a superior alternative to Animosity, as Animosity’s Fury generation is a bit on the slow side to matter to the build, whereas No Escape can not only cause Dread Bomb to partly refill the Fury meter, but will occasionally let Skirmish be used twice immediately in a row, pulling in up to two enemies and a full 60 Fury.