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Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Sidequests Part 1: Hunter's Grotto (Part 1)

Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Sidequests Part 1: Hunter's Grotto

Still Just a Borok in a Cage
Accept the mission from the Hunting Lodge Bounty Board and you will be contacted by Deitmar. He wants you to head out to the cages he has set up so he can give some director's commentary on a hunt. Head over to the Catch-A-Boat and go to the West, toward the Cliff that you came from. Go through the tunnel to get out the other side and find the Borok that are waiting below. Kill them off and head over to the cage you can see to the left across the way. Approach the cage to complete the first objective. Be sure to approach and investigate the cage to trigger a group of savages that will come after you. Kill them off now to save yourself potentially doing this mission again.

The second objective is a bit harder to pull off. You need to find and lure Der Monstrositat to this cage and trap it inside. Turn to the North from your present location and set off. You will find the Borok you are looking for without much trouble. It is recommended you do not have a Spike Shield equipped as these creatures will come up and hit the Vault Hunter with Melee attacks. Just keep Der Monstorsitat's attention and it will easily follow you to the waiting cage.

Once you have it in the cage head inside to lure the Borok inside as well. Quickly make for the back of the cage, hit the button to close the cage and climb up onto the crates. Just get to the top of the crates and you can easily make it up and out of the cage. You will have completed the mission from there

Rewards: $2,375, 10,369 XP (Normal) $13,005, 19,554 XP (Vault Hunter)

Egg on Your Face
This is a collection based side quest given to you in the Lodge Bounty Board by Deitmar. You need to explore Hunter's Grotto to collect 23 Drifter Eggs. They are scattered around the whole of the area so it is good to grab this quest with the others to make the collection of the eggs simple. One can be found in the Savage Camp West of the Hunter's Lodge. Continue to the Western Catch-A-Boat to find another Egg. Head to the Northeast from there and you will find another sitting in the stream. With those in hand head over to the East. Head to the East from the Hunter's Lodge. You can find more Eggs along the banks of the lakes here. The eggs are well scattered throughout the area. It is much easier to simply search the area as you pass through to find them.

When you have collected all 23 eggs you will be summoned by the Drifter that laid them: Arizona. This Drifter is found in a cave below the lake behind the Hunter's grotto Fast travel Point. Head on through the cave below the fast travel point. Head over to the left from there, kill the Savages in your way and search for the corragated steel fence that is set up with soem tribal paintings on it. Head through there and fight through this Savage Village as well. This will lead right to the elevator you need to take to get to Arizona. After that it is just like any other strider you have dealt with.

Rewards: $2,275, 10,369XP (Normal) $13,005, 19,554 XP (Vault Hunter)