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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 9 – Sidequests – Electrifying

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 9 – Sidequests – Electrifying

Head to the East of Paradise Survivor's Camp and get into the car. Head down the main road to the first large camp site on the left. You will want to clear most of the camp so you can search it safely without having to worry too much about the Infected or Walkers that are in the area.

Once you make it to the Kiwi Camp Site with the car batteries it is time to start searching properly. Head in through the Western side to get plenty to poke around at to find all the supplies you can. Start over to the East once you have cleared the area of items. Head into the first RV trailer and search around. Inside here you will find the first of the Car Batteries you are looking for. Be sure to also search all the luggage and wicker baskets to find whatever you can that will help you out. You will need to circle around this Camp Site and search each of the RV's for  the other car batteries.

The first RV's car battery generally sits in plain sight just behind the luggage to the left of the entrance of the RV itself. Head out and around to the North from there then swing to the left and go into the next RV. The battery in this RV can generally be found to the left, behind the luggage on the opposite side as the entrance. It can be tucked away so search carefully. For the third RV, head to the Northeast from the second RV. Go over to the Eastern side and move in. There is a chance of a Walker being inside. Still, look to the right at the end of the trailer to find another Car Battery.

Move onto the fourth RV to the East of the third. On the Southern face you will find the doorway inside. Go over to the left and you will find a sleeping Walker and to the right of him, the Car battery. Kill the Walker and take the battery. Move onto the final RV and go inside it. Nothing Zombie is usually in here, but be ready all the same. Head over to the left and look to the left of the luggage to find the final Car Battery.

With the Car Batteries in hand it is time to seek out the 2 electric cables you need for this quest. Time to make for the Bar in Mataka Village. You cannot drive to this part easily so it is best to just start walking it. Turn to the North just after the camp to start on the trail toward your destination. Deal with the Walkers and ignore the Dead Zone for now. There is the potential for a Floater or two so beware if they show up.

As you close on the entrance to the village itself you will find a group of Walkers, some Infected and likely a Thug as well. Kill them all and head into the village. When you make it into the village,  from this path bend immediately to the right and start for the first building. Head over to the Eastern side then circle around to the back of the building.

When you make it there you will find a stack of barrels and boxes. Jump up onto them and from there get onto the balcony above. Drop-stomp the one Walker in the enclosed area and collect the first length of electrical cable. Head over to the left from there and force your way through the door. Have something on hand you can throw or shoot as there is a Suicider in this room to the right. Just throw or shoot him then collect the second piece of Electrical Wire. From there just make your way back to Paradise Survivor's Camp. Talk with Zoey to complete this side quest and get the next one, "Mines Go Boom."