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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 9 – Echoes

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 9 – Echoes

Pavel and Artyom are also to the Legendary Theater and have now come to the dangerous part: the surface crossing. Head over to the left immediately. First on the bar you will find a container you can open with ammo and other supplies in it. Just after you will find the first note of this area. After that head to where Pavel is to collect a new Gas Mask and a filter. Follow Pavel through the doorway to the right of the stretcher where you got the mask and up to the surface.

Follow Pavel forward and over to the right. There he will find a wing of a plane that can be used to get down to ground level. Move down it with him and then keep on him for the next part of the crossing. Just follow the trail up and over to the right. This will lead into a tunnel entrance. From there just head in a ways. It will not be long before Pavel points out a corpse. You can grab the filter from his Gas Mask as well as replace your present mask (which is highly recommended). Follow Pavel until he tells you go check a service room. Head into the doorway just to the left of him.

Go down the corridor to the far room. First, look into the container at the left-hand edge of the table. After that, interact with the lamp on the right-hand side. Artyom will find a Double Barrel Shotgun but he is also attacked by a creature that was in hiding. After a quick struggle he kills it with a single blast. Return to Pavel and wait for a minute at the top of the stairs. Turn off your flashlight for a while and wait for the various packs of Watchmen, the mutant creature that attacked you, to pass by.

After the hordes of Watchmen has passed by then sprint with Pavel for the plane. You two will reach the door without any more incidents. From there just follow the prompts to pry the door open. Now follow Pavel as he moves forward through the main body of the plane. Both he and Artyom will get brief visions of the passengers when they were alive. When you make it out the seating area, move forward through the first doorway and look on the ground to the right. You will find another note for Artyom to grab. After that just head on forward. Eventually you two will reach the cockpit and will both experience a vision of the crash.

When the vision is over turn to the left and head over to Pavel. He has pulled off his mask and is screaming from the vision. Head along the right-hand side of the plane now. Just keep moving quickly as your filter is likely giving out. Look at the corpses past Pavel to find another Filter underneath one. Grab it then head out the door with Pavel to the right.

Time to get back to the crossing itself. Head to the right from the plane. This will lead you into an ambush set by the Watchmen. Kill them off quickly with your various weapons. Once they are dead go over to the right with Pavel. He will find a way into a building. Go stand by him and he will boost you into the building and then you help him get inside. There are a few watchmen that have homed in on you. Kill them quickly head look for the nose of the plane. Just to the left of it you will find an escalator. Take it on down into the Metro Station. You two find the door but you are also rushed by a number of watchmen. Kill them off as best you can and wait for the cutscene. One will manage to pin Artyom briefly but Pavel will save him. This is just about the time the door opens. He will automatically rush inside and the Red Line will advance with Flamethrowers to clear out the remaining Watchmen. This ends this chapter.