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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 28 – The Crossing

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 28 – The Crossing

Start walking forward after the cutscenes end and Artyom has the little Dark One in his hands. Head on up onto the surface. Your mask remains fairly torn up. Get to the surface and head over to the left. You will find a corpse at the edge of the stairs. Interact with it to grab a new filter and a new mask. Now head on down the stairs.

Turn to the right at the bottom of the stairs and start with the ditch you find yourself in. You will attacked by a Watchman so be on guard for it. Head on forward. The little Dark One will join with your mind some and let you see differently (infrared). You will see a pack of Watchmen ready to attack you. Only 5 will come at you, at most 2 at a time. Just take them down with precise shots. Head on forward after that. This will get you out of the first stretch of the chapter. Turn to the left when you see the car ahead of you. Head down to the water, go forward to the lock box in front of you to get some ammo. Now turn to the right and head along the path by the water.

The ice, as you walk along it, will start to crack. It will hold long enough for you to make the crossing but not much longer from the sound of things. You will hear the Dark One talk about Clothes. At this point, as you head up the slope, go over to the right. You will be on an overlook above the ice you just crossed. Head along it, past the dead Flying Demon and look for the Note that sits by the pillar. You will be attacked by a small group of Watchmen as you leave so be ready for them. After that return to the proper path to head on up the slope.

At the top of the slope you will find a doorway. Head on inside. Just over to the right, once you have seen the Watchman skitter away, is a corpse with ammo, another filter and a replacement gas mask if needed. Head around the debris to the left after that. Look on the floor as you cross the room to find more ammo and filters. As you head over to the right again, take a moment to go to the left of the stairs. There you will find more ammo, another Gas Mask and more filters. Be wary though as in this area a group of 4 Watchmen will come after you. Head on up the stairs after that.

At the top of the stairs, head through the doorway to the left. You will see a corpse with a headlight shining on it so you know where to go. Once inside go over to the left and open the door you see there. Look to the left as you enter and you will see another Watchman looking down on you. Deal with it then look under the to find a modified pistol and some ammo. After that start on up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs start over to the right. The little Dark One will pop out briefly, showing that he is wearing clothes. Just keep going forward from there. The Flying Demon you glimpsed will attack you, or start to tear the train apart that you are passing through.

Artyom will fall into the water below. When he surfaces start running over to the right. You will see a ship just off to the left. When you can, climb up onto it. Go to the bow of the ship. There you will find a new Gas Mask, some ammo and the second Note for the chapter. After that head across to the other side of the river. You will find another corpse to loot just on the bank so pick it over for some ammo. Run over to the left after that to grab another filter and more ammo from the next corpse. Head to the right, around the corner, and go up the ladder. The Little Dark One will ask a few interesting questions as Artyom goes to enter the building. After that just wait for the chapter to end.