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Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Part 4 – A-Hunting We Shall Go (Part 1)

Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Walkthrough Part 4 –  A-Hunting We Shall Go (Part 1)

Time to start going after Nakayama a little more properly. Head tot he Southwest of the Village Claptrap is being Worshipped in and make your way to the entrance of the Dripwater Cavern. It is just to the Southwest of the Village. From there fight your way through the Scaylions to the entrance of Ardorton Station. Head on through to the next area.

Once you are in the area Claptrap will tell you that you need to track down and destroy all 3 DNA samples that Nakayama has of Handsome Jack. Start by heading to the Southeast from the entrance. There are a number Boroks to deal with first and likely a few spores as well. Fight your way on through them and to the entrance of the laboratory itself.

As you get inside the Lab you will find more Savages waiting for you. This does include at least 2 Witch Doctor of some variety and plenty of Warriors, Hunters and Triggermen for you to deal with as well. When you have finished dealing with them head you can head farther in to the East. You will find some stairs to head on up: do so. This will lead you deeper into the lab.

At the end of the walkways you will find an open air portion of the laboratory. Head on out to the South. Go to the first door you see there. This will give you access to the Morgue, which you can either pass through or cut around to the right and continue onward to the Southwest. There are a few Savages and a Witch Docotor to deal with in the area. This will lead you to Ardo Farms. You are finally closing in on the first DNA Sample.

As you get into the farm you will be swarmed by Warriors. Start into them immediately. They will try to simply overwhelm you. It is not until after the first wave that the Witch Doctor makes his appearance so be ready when he does. After you take him out and the rest of the wave he appears with a second and third Witch Doctor will appear in the back of the area. Head for him by going up the stairs just behind the generator you can see, to the left of it. Just head on up the stairs, turn to the left and head into the room. You will see a safe you can open. Inside it is the first of the 3 DNA samples. Smash it and head back to the Laboratory's open area to the Northeast of you. Once in the Courtyard turn to the East and head up the stairs. This will lead to a new area for you to explore. It will also start leading toward the second DNA Sample.