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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 32 – The Descent: The Tunnels (Old Tunnels to Surface)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 32 –  The Descent: The Tunnels (Old Tunnels to Surface)

With the lights on take a moment to head for the door opposite the circuit room. There you will find a Walker but you will also find 2 weapon chests that you can pick open. After that return to the main corridor and go to the right (left if you are coming from the circuit room). As you go around the corner you have a Thug and several other Zombies to deal with. Take them out and head for the door at the end of the corridor.

On the other side of the door you will find a pair of Walkers you should take care of. After that go around the next corner and start for the following bend. Around that second corner you hear a pair of smugglers talking. Head around the corner and take the ladder on the right-hand side of the wall up. At the top of the ladder look to the right. You will find an assault rifle you can grab. Also there is a lot of ammo and some other loot. When you are ready for the next part start down the passage.

As you head down it the Smugglers will hear you, even if creeping. Duck behind whatever cover is handy and nearby. Advance some when you can. The reason for this is there is a side passage on the left-hand side of the area. Go into the doorway and follow it forward. This will bring you around the blinding spotlights and let you get a better position against the Smugglers. Loot the area then head on through the next door.

Things are no better on the other side. There are more Smugglers that are determined to gun you down. Once again, you are best off in cover and aiming carefully. When you can get into the room be ready for a large number of smugglers. It does help a lot to throw grenades and other explosive area burst items into it. Once you have cleared out the area take time to loot all the luggage that is sitting around. There is no shortage of it. When you are ready to advance head over to the left and over to the massive door. At that point you will find the exit door is locked. Head over to the right of it and start following the new trail. This will lead to the prison cells where the Smugglers have settled in. There is one normal Smuggler and 1 Chief Smuggler. The Chief is a lot hardier than his lackey. It is also a good idea to take a little time to lob some explosives at them. It will take out a nice portion of their health and keep you fairly safe.

When you killed them head into the room and go over to the left-hand side. First, look around the lockers in this area to find the Lightning Storm modification. Now grab the key you need which is to the left of where you find the Modification. Search around some and you will find a Secret File sitting on the beds opposite where you find the Master Keys. When you have collected everything you can head for the massive door again and get outside. A cutscene will run and you are onto the next chapter.