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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 42 – Rescue Ryan, On The Edge

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 42 – Rescue Ryan, On The Edge

Normally Rescue Missions and side quests are kept separately. As this rescue mission leads to a side quest  they are listed together for simplicity.

Rescue Ryan
Head South from the Old Town Cinema to the Church. From there find the path just to South of the Church going East. Make your way down to the end of it and there you will find Ryan. He is in the far Eastern portion with a number of Walkers, Infected and a Thug reaching for him. Take them out and then climb on up to meet Ryan. Talking with him will give you access to the side quest, “On The Edge.”

On The Edge
You can find Ryan on the Southern side of the Church. You will need to clear the zombies away from him before you can get his quest. He has MS and needs you to head to his old apartment and grab his medicine so he can move some. He explains that he has barricaded the door into the apartment and that his pills are in the bathroom. Head over to the door to the left of him and go on through after you take down the barricade.

Inside you will find yourself against a number of zombies when you make it down to the flooded portions of the house. There is 1 Walker underneath the staircase where you can spot a Medkit. Head there, grab the medkit and kill it. After that head down toward the living room off to the left. There are more Walkers and Infected in there. Be sure to close the door behind you as you enter the living room as it will stop the second group of zombies from creeping up behind you.. It is a good idea to lob a grenade or molotov into there first to weaken or kill some of the zombies. Head over to the right after you clear the living room to find the bed room. There are only a few sleeper Walkers in there for you to deal with. Take them out quickly and you will be fine.

Head back to the entry stairwell and go forward into the yet unexplored portion of the house. There will be a good number of Walkers and Infected in addition to a Thug in this Hallway. It is also quite likely a number of those have already moved in to attack you. Just finish off whatever zombies are left in the hallway and go to the far door. You will need to break down the door to  get into the next room. On the other side of the door is a Walker. Kill it and head for the next door to the right.

Through the second door you have at least 4 Zombies that will come after you. Back up and kill them one at a time to make your life a bit easier and less blood-stained. After that go into the room and sweep the walls. You will find some interesting loot like an Inhaler. In the far right corner, on the lower shelf above the couch you will find the medicine you were sent after. Grab it and head on outside to give Ryan his medicine. Things are not too good when you get there as he has changed into a zombie. Kill him to complete the quest.