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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 44 – Firefight (Militarized Zone)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 44 – Firefight (Militarized Zone)

With everything ready go and and talk with Hardy. He will give you some instructions on how to get into the military base. With all that in mind, head on up to the roof of the cinema and find your way back to the front of it. Fight your way on through to the West toward the military base. If you go over to where Damien is then cut to the South it is a good path to avoid a lot of the zombies. Head across the bridge to the West and start on your quest to get into the military base.

At the far end of the bridge you will find a Wrestler that has triggered the alarm. You need to kill him quickly. Just aim for the head and blast away. Failing that, take advantage of his slow speed, lob some incendiaries at him and then go to town with your favorite weapons. Take him out then approach the entrance to the military base. The alarms will be blaring, the Immune will notice the Mines as well. You get a quick cutscene showing most of them. It is a good idea to keep as many intact as possible as they will help a lot to deal with any zombies that come charging at you during this time. Zombies are not smart, they will simply charge in a straight line at you, going right over mines. After the first, the alarms can be taken out in any order, this is more a suggestion.

Alarm 1
Not too far, you can find the first alarm tower. Hug against the right-hand wall and head to the far side of the first watchtower. Look over to the next watchtower. At observation deck part of it you will find the first alarm. If you have some guns, you can shoot it. Otherwise hug against the right-hand wall and run over there. Climb up the ladder and turn it off or just bash it to silence it.

Alarm 2
Head over to the West then South, fighting off the Infected that come charging after you. Head up the stairs then over to the West. Run past the mines and to the left of the White Medical Tent. Quickly climb up the ladder and you will be able to disable the second alarm. Be sure to head behind the Medical Tent as well. You will find the blueprints for the Shock Gun Modification back there.

Alarm 3
Head for the Northern part of the base now. Run back across the same stretch you used to reach this area, but go North up the stairs. Go up the stairs and immediately go slightly to the left and climb up the ladder to the next watchtower. Find the alarm and disable it. Be careful as there is a Wrestler in this area in addition to all the mines, Walkers and Infected.

Alarm 4
Run to the Northern part of the Military Camp. There you will find one more tower with an alarm. Quickly climb up it and disable the alarm there. You are not done here yet. Climb back down and look on the table to the right, by the Western Tent that is nearby. You can grab a Secret File from there.

With the alarms disabled it is time to learn more of what happened here. Go to the West and over to the entrance of the Command Center Base. There is a Heavy Metal Gate blocking your way. Continue to the South and get into the pavilion that is there. Search the area on the left an you will find some Explosives. Grab them and rush them back to the gate. Recover your stamina then plant the explosives. From there book it away as you have 4 seconds to get clear of the blast (heading toward the pavilion against is a good idea to avoid becoming hamburger). From there just head back to the front door and head inside.