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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Skygeirr: Hand of Darkness (Part 4)

Only three Hybrids remain by this point.  One is due North of your main base, although some distance away, and can be accessed from the East side of the map.  This Hybrid is protected by the heaviest defense force yet, including a siege tank to keep you out, as well as a ghost academy that may even be prepared to start dropping nukes on you.  Take out the base swiftly to prevent this, and roll on over the Hybrid to the Northwest.  After this comes the easiest and hardest of the targets- a pair of Hybrids in the far Northeast corner of the map.  These two will be released simultaneously, whether by your destruction of one stasis pod or Narud’s prompting.  This makes them especially deadly, as lacking the resources to take one out in quick order will give both of them time to lay in more attacks.

Naruud awakens these Hybrids simultaneously, so if you've been operating with a minimal force you're going to be direly screwed here.  Thankfully, you've had the entire time you've been active to build up troops, so it's unlikely that this fight will really give you more difficulty than any of the single Hybrid battles near the beginning of the mission.  If you’re reaching for an achievement, you may wish to split your attacks between the two of them, but that could be asking a bit much, given the raw power of an individual hybrid and the degree of micromanagement necessary.  Hopefully, you won’t need to in order to gain the achievement anyways, as taking out one Hybrid leaves all your units to focus on the other and likely smear it across the deckplating in pretty short order as well.  With the Hybrids destroyed, Kerrigan commands the swarm deeper into the base, with the intent to kill all who are present so as to find out what Naruud is up to- and stop it.

With the Hybrids destroyed and the upper level taken over, it's time to drive deeper- the lower levels of the station include not only more Hybrids, but a Protoss presence of all things, a group known as the Taldarim.  These followers of Narud are dangerous fanatics, and will impede you elsewhere unless destroyed...