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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Skygeirr Achievements: Hand of Darkness

Normal Difficulty:

Hand of Darkness (10):

Shattered Command (10): Destroy two enemy command centers during the mission.  If you take your time and make sure to wipe out all the Terran bases, this shouldn't be much of an issue.  The real difficulty here is in being thorough- if you don't make sure to absolutely scour the map, you're not going to accomplish the mission.  Additionally, if you let the Terran forces provoke the Hybrids in their attempts to contain them, you may wind up with Hybrids stealing your achievement goals out from under your grasp.  In this case, thoroughness also means making sure you keep your assault force active, interfering with anything the Terrans attempt to do and cutting down their units en route to your base and the Hybrids.

Power Underwhelming (10):
Destroy at least three of the Hybrid holding cells before their contents are released.  This is pretty much the mirror opposite of Shattered Command.  Rather than having to be thorough and taking over the Terran outposts to turn their minerals and vespene geysers to your service, you're going to need to pull together your assault force quickly and efficiently as possible, then curbstomp everything directly in your way ASAP.  Ignore the Terran bases where they don't get in the way of your attack- heck, you may even wind up giving up your base inside the facility doors to accomplish this goal.  Thankfully, the brutalisks in the mission help your forces more than releasing them slows you down, so you can accomplish this at the same time as you gather the bonus levels for Kerrigan without much difficulty.

Hard Difficulty:

Dominion Domination (10): Use Dominated Terran units to kill at least three of the Hybrids.  This is quite a challenge.  Not only do you have to invest your resources in infestors- and a lot of them- to take control of a large number of Terran units, you will need to use those units, which you cannot repair nor replace, to fight the Hybrids.  The best way to handle this is to take advantage of the Terran units' penchant for operating at a range and protect them as well as your infestors with a wall of aberrations backed up by healing queens.  Keeping your base intact and your assault forces from slaying the Terran vehicles while still using infestors to gain control of them is a bit of a micromanagement challenge, and finding a way to ensure that dominated units manage the killing blows is equally so.  Don't bother attempting this until you've got some degree of micromanagement skill- otherwise you'll find it more than just frustrating, you'll find it basically impossible.