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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 18 – Episode 4: Panoptic Icon (Gymnasium)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 18 – Episode 4: Panoptic Icon (Gymnasium)

Head out of the locker room using the door you come in through. Go into the Remembrane and trigger it. Immediately target and Synchronize with the door in front of Nilin. This will let her move forward and deeper into the bowels of this fortress. Start down the corridor for Administration Offices III. Head down the stairs and over to the right. You will find another door Nilin needs to open with her Spammer. Shoot it and go on through. This leads right into the Enforcer's Quarters apparently. The Orderly calls in that they are engaging Nilin and summons their Shield.

This is a Heavy Prison Enforcer. They have more health and their shield to protect them. To get through them you will want to immediately lock on and fire a Junk Bolt at them to destroy the C3 shield he has summoned to defend himself with. Take him down with Power Pressens to get a Memory Overload if Nilin needs to gain more focus.

After the fight head toward the Vending Machines. Go over to the right-hand side and through the door there. Nilin will find another Mnesist Memory: “La Bastille Fortress” on the desk to the right of the door. Now head over to the door on the left and go through it. Alternatively you can return to the Vending Machines and go through the door on their left. Both these doors lead to the same place. In that room just head over to the left and through the next door. This leads right to the Enforcer Training Room.

Inside the Training Room you have 2 Heavy Prison Enforcers and 1 Prison Enforcer. Just like last time, use the Junk Bolt to blast away the Heavy Enforcers' shields one at a time and take them down around that. If you have 2 Focus chunks, blast away both shields then let loose with Sensen Fury to level them. Otherwise just focus on Power Pressens to knock them down and ensure you have full focus.

Once the first 3 Enforcers go down, 6 more will appear. 4 Heavy Enforcers and 2 in Black: Standard Prison Enforcers. Nilin will remember the Logic Bomb S-Pressen at this time and a good thing. Follow the prompts to place the Logic Bomb on the Enforcer in Black and then quickly dodge away. Watch as it detonates and takes out most of the shields and likely other Black Enforcer (or at least heavily damage him). After that, if you have the Focus, use either Sensen DOS to stun them all and beat them with a combo heavy on Cooldowns or Sensen Fury to just beat them up.

When everything is done head for the door opposite the one you came through. Immediately after you leave the training room turn to the left. You will be hearing the sound and to the left you will find the Scaramech. Blast it to claim it then head on down the corridor. At the top of the stairs you will find a SAT Hatch if Nilin needs any healing after the last fight. Patched up, if needed, head on down the stairs.

At the base of the stairs is another Remembrane for Nilin to interact with. Target and synchronize once again to make sure Nilin can get through the door. This leads to the Brain Drainer Chamber.