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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 23 – Episode 4: Panoptic Icon (The Memory Server Room)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 23 – Episode 4: Panoptic Icon (The Memory Server Room)

With the fight over it is time to collect something. Head over to the right from Madame and to the second machine on that side. To the left of it you will find a Mnesist Memory: “Globalization of the Sensen”. Once you have that you are clear to approach and Overload Madame, stealing the real memory Nilin needs to access the servers. The Hunt Glove will also be upgraded with the Force Spammer. It acts much like the standard Spammer in using Junk Data but this allows for the manipulation of objects like the Inmate Memory Back Up.

Target the Icon with the Spammer and Raise it up by holding the Spam Bolt button and looking up. From there head over to the left-hand side of the terminal and grab the icon again with the Spammer. Slide it over to the right and run with it. This will lead Nilin to the second part of the server. The terminal will lock in and gather the data.

From there Nilin will need to go to the left-hand side where she can see the icon and use the Spammer once again to slide it over to the next terminal. As she does, she will find part of the rail is up. Let go of the terminal and look up and to the left to find the rail you are looking for. From there just target it and drag it down toward Nilin. After that continue to slide the Terminal over toward the socket.

This will start a massive uprising in the prison. A cutscene runs and brings you to the next Memory Remix sequence: “The Break-Up”. Remember that this is a unique remix with 2 memory bugs. The first rest in activating the Gun with its safety first, letting things play out from there. The second rest in knocking over the bottle where presented and letting it roll from there. After that it is a simple matter of getting the right mix:
Trophy: Knock Over – No
Bottle: Knock Over – Yes
Gun Safety: Remove – No
Suitcase GPS: Corrupt – No
Gun Safety (Second instance): Remove – Yes
Cigarette: Tip Over – No
Side Table: Retract – Yes

Get through there and you will complete the Episode.