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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 26 – Episode 5: Headshot (Rooftop to Sky Passageway)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 26 – Episode 5: Headshot (Rooftop to Sky Passageway)

Head over to the right and then jump over the next ledge to start the next fight. This one is against Strangler Leapers so immediately head for the lit area. It also has 2 waves so save your Focus for now and just focus on completing your Basic Pressen combos. It does not take much to take them down. When the initial trio are down the billboard will go out. The second wave of Leapers will now emerge and attack Nilin. There are more Stranglers in addition to a Skinner Leaper as well. This is why you wanted most of your Focus: Sensen  DOS. It will stun the Skinner and make the Strangler Leapers visible for a time. Hit them with a Combo that has Cooldown Pressen to make your life easier. Another good idea, especially if you have multiple bars of Focus is to then hit the Skinner Leaper with a Logic Bomb. Its blast has a great chance of simply taking out the Stranglers if they are close enough. Unfortunately after the Stranglers go down the Skinner is not out of reinforcements, but at least they are visible now as Prowlers come to join the fray. Only when they are all defeated (or though usage of Sensen Fury) can you take down the Skinner Leaper.

When the fight is done look for the one pipe on the side of the building. That is Nilin's ticket up to the next rooftop. Head over to the left and climb over the next ledge to drop down to the next rooftop. The citizens in the area start to shout at Nilin for her actions. Jump across the gap from this rooftop and then make for the Red Pipe on the Left-Hand side. To the right you will find an Errorist Memory Panel showing the location of a nearby SAT Patch. Climb to the top of it and go over to the left to the second ledge. You will see the SAT patch through the window. Head to the final window before the leap and climb up through it. Drop down, grab the SAT Patch then get onto the ledge once again, flip over to the other side and drop down to the ground below it.

Leap back to the balcony with the orange door and shoot it open with the Spammer. You will immediately see a Drone's detection radial. Head inside carefully and stay out of its range. Go immediately to the left. At the end of this hall you will find a SAT Hatch if Nilin needs any healing and a door. Hit the door's icon with the Spammer to open it and rush on through. The good news is the Drone does not go far enough in its sweep to find Nilin by the SAT Hatch or the door. Head on down the hallway and Nilin will be introduced to a new enemy type: Elite Enforcer. These are dangerous foes as they cause some of the damage Nilin inflicts to be reflected back at her. Take a little time to reconfigure your favorite combo to be mostly Regen with just a hint of Damage Pressens at the end of it.

After you take down the Elite Enforcer look to the right-hand side of the hallway you are in. Open the glass door to the lounge on the right with the Spammer. Go to the right from there and over to the bar. There you will find a Mnesist Memory: “Climate migrations (2038 – 2084)”. Now head to the end of the hallway and blast it open with the Spammer. From there move forward to start onto the Skyway Passage to Memorize HQ.