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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 37 – Episode 6: Rotten Core (XP Unit B2 to Sanitation Pit)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 37 – Episode 6: Rotten Core (XP Unit B2 to Sanitation Pit)

Head over to the left of the chair and use the Force Spammer to raise the Shutter. Head down the corridor and then go to the SAT Hatch and heal up Nilin from any damage against the Elite Enforcers. Continue on through to the next area and look to the left. You will see a Zorn that is tethered into place that caused Nilin a lot of panic earlier. Go over to it and blast it with the Junk Bolt. After that look at its shoulder to find a Scaramech that is spinning around on it ideally. With it down head along to the third section of the corridor.

In this section you will find the hatch Nilin used to escape the Zorn. Go to it and stand on the left-hand side. Wait for the drone to lift up close to Nilin and she will have a clear shot at the Scaramech that is hiding in the grating. Only after you have captured that should you advance to the next shutter and raise it up. Head on through to start the next part of the story in this chapter: facing Dr. Quiad.

It appears Sebastian Quiad is alone but there is, in fact, a large contingent of Leapers in the area. Time to start with the Reconversion Leapers that he sends after you. Avoid using any Pressens until the Heavy Elite Enforcer makes their appearance. At that point move in toward him, use Sensen Camo and start taking them all down. After that start beating up the Leapers to build up to full Focus. Logic Bomb is also useful to just power through their number if they are posing a major threat.

When the second wave starts you have all Enforcers to deal with. The good news is none of them are Elites which makes the fight a lot easier. Use your Cooldown and Regen combos to quickly recuperate any lose from the first part.

The final and third wave pits Nilin against 2 Elite Enforcers and 2 Skinner Leapers. Start by triggering Sensen Camo and taking out one of the Elites with Overload. After that, assault them with a mix of Cooldown, Regen and Damaage. When you beat the third wave a cutscene triggers with Quaid dropping Nilin into a pit. She catches herself a few bars down. Quaid comes over to gloat when Johnny shows up and then throws him in. Now Nilin needs to find her way out of here.

Head down and to the left. Go along the red pipes that are below you to the left. At the bottom of the pipe and a short hop later you will need to Wall Launch over to the other side then drop down to the bottom of the pit. Nilin will find the corpse of Quaid and the struggling figure of Bad Request.

There is something to do before approaching Bad Request. Turn around and fire a Junk Bolt into the icon you find behind Nilin and head down that corridor. First on the left you will find a SAT Hatch to patch up Nilin. Continue to the end to find a Mnesist Memory: “Olga Sedova”. Now head for Bad Request. As Nilin approaches Johnny Greenteeth will make an appearance and not for the better again.

Time to fight Johnny Greenteeth and the Reconversion Leapers he sends after you. This is your first fight against what he is: a Mourner Leaper. The best thing to do, if you want to inflict high damage fast is to build up at least 2 Bars of Focus. At that point Nilin should first unleash Sensen DOS to stun some of the Reconversion Leapers but more importantly it will stop Greenteeth from teleporting. Close in on him then unleash Sensen Fury on him. This is a great chance to build up a very high Fury Combo. If you can get the combo up to 14 then you can take him out in a single Fury. From there it is a simple matter of taking him out through the termination sequence of: Kick, Punch, Interact.