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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 43 – Episode 7: Paradise Lost (Central Security to Conception Cube)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 43 – Episode 7: Paradise Lost (Central Security to Conception Cube)

Follow Trace's echo up the stairs. Synchronize with the panel he interacts with so you can trigger the next part of the sequence. Activate the icon and 3 figures will appear with words at their base with another Remembrane. Time for another logic puzzle:
“The Wife listens to her Husband but abandons her Child.”
“The Husband admires his Wife, but cannot listen any more.”
“The Child loves her protecting father as she does her deserting Mother.”

Time to work on rotating the pillars. All the numbers given are from the pillars initial positions.
Start with the Wife on the left. Rotate this pillar so “Abandon” faces the Child and “Listen” facings the Husband. This is 2 shots to get it into position.

For the Husband you need to set it so “Admire” faces the Wife and “Protect” faces the child. This means you need to rotate it 3 times

Hit the Child's pillar 3 times so “Love” points toward both parents.

Head into the door that opens behind Nilin to the entry way to the Conception Cube. Start running straight on down the passage in front of her. Just continue forward until Nilin is forced to engage with 2 Nephilim. As the fight starts, give things a moment to set up. A number of Leapers will crawl up and over the side. Once the Leapers are actively involved in the combat then use Rust In Pieces to take out a number of them and one of the Nephilim. Likely 1 or 2 survived. Quickly move in on them and hit them with Cooldown Combos. The battle continues after that point.

The second wave will now begin. More Prowler and Reconversion Leapers will come up onto the walkway you are on. They are also joined by Skinner Leapers which makes your life a bit harder. Fight them as you have in the past. Either use Power Pressens to break the guard on the Skinners or use Pressen Fury to take them out. Use the Prowler and Reconversion Leapers to fuel these attacks by attacking them when Nilin needs more Focus.

When the fight is over Nilin just needs to head forward to the bright light. The final episode of this game is about to start. The confrontation between her and Charles Cartier-Wells.