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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 1 – Chapter 1: Hometown

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 1 – Chapter 1: Hometown

You start the game controlling Sarah, Joel's daughter. She has just gotten a call from her Uncle, Tommy, who needs to speak with Joel immediately. Head over to the dresser and interact with the Birthday Card on it. This does not count for any collectibles but it does give you more details about Joel and Sarah. If you want to know more about what is happening in the world just head into the bathroom and look at the vanity. You will find a Newspaper clipping you can read. This is across the hall from Sarah's bedroom

Still, start by head to the door over to the left of the bed and out into the hallway. Turn to the right and head for the door on the right. The TV is on and has a live news report on it. After a moment there are some explosions that rock the house and the rest of the area.

Head out of Joel's bedroom and go for the top of the stairs.. Start on down them and go over to the left. Start searching the house for Joel. Go over to the left then to the right to get into the Kitchen. As you get to the back of the house listen carefully. Approach the kitchen and the cellphone on the left counter-top will vibrate. Tommy has sent a text to Joel saying he will be over shortly.

Go back through the dining room, between the table and the sliding glass doors and go through the set of paned doors in front of Sarah. This leads to the office. Sarah find's her dad rushing in and loading up his gun. He explains that he wants her to stay away from the doors and Sarah is getting a freaked out. Jimmy, a neighbor rushes into the house through the glass door in the office. Joel warned him off then he fires on him. After that scene both Sarah and Joel head out front as it is lit by headlights: Tommy has gotten here. The two talk some, follow the prompt on the screen to focus in. They talk about an infection or a parasite that is going around and having a deadly impact. The trio drives away from the house and they try to get out of the city. They get caught in a traffic jam and get a good glimpse of one of the “sick” people, the Infected.

After a while you will be in control of Joel. With no way out of the car, mash the “Square” button repeatedly. This will prompt him to break through the window that is holding him in. Once he climbs out he is attacked by one of the Infected. Tommy quickly comes to his rescue. He also learns that Sarah cannot really walk right now, her leg hurts a lot. Follow Tommy as he runs down the hill then turns to the right after the gas station explodes. Run around the stopped fire engine to the right and just keep moving forward. For now, head for the cinema that is ahead of Tommy and Joel until the cars in front of it blow up.

After that explosion head over to the left, where Tommy runs. He will open the fencing and wave you on ahead of him. Just keep moving forward. Joel will be ambushed by someone. Hit “Square” repeatedly to fend him off then keep moving forward down the alleyway.

As you exit the alleyway look for a gap in the railing around the patios. Turn to the right and head on up the stairs. This gets them both into a bar and they get a few moments of pause. Tommy holds back the horde for a few moments and tells Joel to run with Sarah. Joel will charge through the rest of the bar and out to the street. Head over to the left when you make it to the street. Just head straight across the road toward the lit-up break in the wall. Go on down the slope and keep moving forward toward the road block. Head across and up the hill. When you see the soldier shine the light on Joel and Sarah then the chapter is over.