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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 12 – Chapter 3: The Outside (Tilted Building)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 12 – Chapter 3: The Outside (Tilted Building)

Continue on down the hallway in front of you and out the first doorway on the left. Head to the back right part of the room and onto the collapsed stairs. There you can get to the next ledge. Still, first Joel will help Tess and Ellie up. Once after they are both up will Tess give Joel the hand he needs to climb up as well.

On top things go from fine to bad as a Clicker shows up. Tess will find a bottle and throw it to distract the Clicker. Head on over to the left and keep going until you can clearly see the Clicker again. Grab any of the bottles nearby and throw it toward the opposite end of the room. This will lure the Clicker away so everyone can climb on up the scaffolding to the left and get away from the Clicker.

On the other side head on down the next stairwell and jump the railing to the right. Go underneath the platform the ladies are on and interact with the file cabinet underneath it. After that have Joel pull it away from the platform so Tess and Ellie can head on through the opening and so can Joel. Once on the landing for the Fifth Floor head over to the left and follow Tess on the Window Cleaner's platform that is just outside the broken window. Head over to the left on it, jump the barrier then make for the ledge on the far side. Wait for Tess and Ellie to start around the corner then go around the corner yourself and through the window. Head on down the stairs and into the room on the right.

Once in the room look around for the 2x4 that is over to the right. After that head back into the hallway and go to the corpse on the right-hand side of the hall. Next to it you will find the Revolver. It is more powerful than the 9mm so it is very much worth grabbing even with its smaller clip. Now head over to the right and drop to the floor below. Tess tells you there are Runner down there and Joel says he will head down to investigate it.

On the Third Floor you will encounter some Infected Runners. It is best to take the Stealth approach as it takes a lot of bullets, health or melee weapons to beat the 4 Runners and the Clicker in this area. Drop into a crouch and move forward from where you dropped. Go around the corner to the left and you will find the first of the Runners. Creep up behind him and take him down. Now backtrack into the hall you left and start for the other end. Go to about where you dropped in then use Listen Mode (R2) to find the location of the remaining Runners. Crouching at the very edge of the hallway is a good place to see the closer Infected without risk of being seen.

After that wait for the coast to be clear then head into the room over to the left from the hallway. There is a Runner that passes through the hallway so watch for him and the one that patrols over to the right of the hallway. This is a great place to set up an ambush or two because of those 2 alone. Head into the room and hide behind the far desk. Wait here for the Runner to pass through the room. Creep up behind him and take him down quickly. You can also throw a brick or bottle into this room to get much the same effect. Lure the Infected in there use that as a means to thin the herd out. Take them out one at a time if possible. If not, remember there is a pipe you can grab (if you did not swap your 2x4 for it earlier) to help with the Clicker and Runners. Aside from there use Stealth and take downs as much as possible to deal with the rest of the group.

When the fighting is over you will hear Joel call down Tess and Ellie. Head for the outside portion and climb up onto the collapsed floor. Head up to the door and interact with the cabinet in front of it. Pull it away from the wall and up. The Girls will go through then prop the door open for Joel. Head on through the door after that and into the next part of the building.