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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 38 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (The Chase)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 38 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (The Chase)

Head over to the right from the truck and over to the Military Preparatory School. Talk with Ellie there to learn a bit more about that. Now head across the way to the “Dawn Of The Wolf, Part 2” movie poster. Talk with Ellie there to learn about the movie. Press on down the alleyway after that to the left of the poster. Move carefully down the alleyway as the humvee will come rolling up into the area you are in.

Move into the nearby doorway and start listening to what they are talking about. Note where they are going as well. Make your way over to the left through the doorway. Take cover behind the sink in the middle of the room on the left and wait for one of the Hunters to get close. When they do, grab them, pull them back into the room with the sink then kill them. Head into the front part of the store now carefully and take out the other Hunter in there. Be mindful of the Turret. If you are worried about that, start outside and take down that fellow first. If he does not notice you, then everything will be fine.

Loot the store for what you can then you need to make it across the way to the Tax Refund Location. Along the way you will be exposed to the Turret and it will start firing on you. Just run across the street using the cars for cover. Get into the Store and a few Hunters will come at you. Gun them down quickly then make your way into the office to the left. Loot what you can from that room then start over to the left and through the window there. Make for the Fire Escape from there and climb on up.

Once inside that building head into the second room on the left. Check the drawer of the desk for whatever is in there then go on back to the first room on the left, grab the Crafting Item there then head for the open doorway. Immediately start running up the Fire Escape and over the planks. From there just slide along the wall and into the apartment building's open window. You find a nice apartment that seems to be in good condition. First, check the dresser for parts then move into the bathroom on the left for Supplements. With that stuff in hand head into the living room area. Go over to the kitchen and check around the sink to find more Crafting Items. That is all you will find in this apartment so head out the window to the right of the kitchen.

Once on the next fire escape slide along the side of the building forward toward the window with the gently wafting curtain. Get over there and head inside. A cutscene runs where Joel gets ambushed by Henry. The two fight some but Ellie and Sam notice each other, as does Henry. Ellie gets Joel to back off and then Sam stands down.