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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 6 – The Forest

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 6 – The Forest

Tree Hugger
After you complete, “Anger, Denial, Initiative” you will find this quest available in the Forest. Just head to the lone Treant this stands atop the plateau to the East of the starting point of this area. Talk with her to learn more of what it is she is after. She wants you to grab a sapling and plant it in the middle of the orcish camp. She will bend down and a branch will glow. Grab it and you are good to start.

Head into the Blood Tree Camp, near where you found the first blocked passage. Head into the orc camp, kill off the ones immediately around you then plant the sapling in the designated spot. Over the next few minutes it will grow with Aubery the Teenage Treant giving you progress on its growth. As it does just that Orcs will be rushing it. They are flesh and blood so Fire-Type weaponry works well on them. Just start and keep firing. You need to protect the Sapling until it is full grown.

When the Sapling is full grown it is time for you to help it (and protect it some). Mosstache will start going around the camp and destroying each of the 6 huts in the area. Each of the huts, when it is under attack will be spawning various Orcs that will attempt to take down the Treant. Slaughter them all. For everything Aubrey might say, that Treant still needs plenty of protection to make it through the rest of the mission alive and let you complete it

The first 2 huts are the easiest as there is a light flow of Orcs and nothing too bad. When you get to the inside part of the camp for the next huts is when it gets harder. After the third you will start to see much stronger Orcs appearing. The big concern is the Badass that appears and start attacking the tree. He alone is something to deal with and can take down the Treant. The Orcs with the blades are the biggest concern. They do hit damage without much effort.

Rewards: $13,005, XP: 4301, Blue Shield/Blue Assault Rifle