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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 6 – Taking A Chance (Sewers: Arclight Battle to Vertigo Puzzle)

Dead Pool Walkthrough Part 6 – Taking A Chance (Sewers: Arclight Battle to Vertigo Puzzle)

The first wave is simple with just your garden variety foes. After that you have a second wave which is a bit harder as one of them is giving a defensive bonus to the others. Look for the one with the shield above their head and kill them first. This will make the rest a lot easier to deal with. If they close in enough then use a Momentum attack to quickly dispatch them all. After that Arclight will jump down and engage with Deadpool.

She starts off simple. Move in and start slicing until she blocks at this point get another attack or two in then teleport away. You will likely notice she was winding up a punch. This will knock Deadpool back. If she has a glow to her then she will envelop Deadpool in an aura then send him crashing into the roof then floor. Just keep this up until she is down one third of her health.

At this a cutscene runs and she knocks the platform into free-fall. Now she will be fighting using her powers a lot more. When you see her raise a fist and gather purple energy around it, wait for her to start swinging then teleport to avoid the area blast she is about to unleash. This area blast, if you are hit by it, will slow Deadpool for a minute but long enough for her to knock him around plenty. Also watch out for the dizzy sign over Deadpool's head. During that time he cannot use his teleporter to avoid damage. That means that you need to just not be there. The second attack she will use more frequently is a narrow wave-beam of arc energy. Just run out of the way to avoid that.

Around all this just keep moving around her, slicing and shoot as the situation allows. You can counter her attacks and stop her from using her special moves on Deadpool. Just be sure to watch for the Counter icon to appear above her and quickly hit it. From there just beat on her until her health is low. At that point she will destroy the platform and bring the freefall to an end.

Deadpool and Arclight both end up skewered on poles. The problem is Arclight does not have the healing factor that Deadpool does. Mash the appropriate button to get Deadpool off the pole. Head on forward. Jump the gap onto the walkway, cross it, and jump to the platform opposite. Head across it and jump the next gap. Head on toward the console and Vertigo will appear and hit Deadpool with her power.

The screens a bit wonky. Head on out of the control room and over to the right. Go on up the stairs and jump the gap to the next set of stairs. Go to the top of that and over to the right. Jump the second gap then head over to the right and throw the first switch. Head on back to the center after that. You will encounter pair of new enemies .These teleport around a little and claw at Deadpool. Take them out then go down the stairs on the left. Jump the gaps and throw the second switch. Head back to the middle and go to the control room you started this part in. Pull the switch and it will lower the platform that blocks the path forward for Deadpool. Double-Jump out to it and cross over to the sewer tunnel beyond it