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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 10 – Hatred's Shadow

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 10 – Hatred's Shadow

Loot Ninja
Head to the West into the cave you can find just as the orcs are catapulted at you. There you will find Sir Gallow. He will have this quest. He explains that he, and company, recently felled a dragon but he could not find a single gun on it. He explanation of it is that his colleagues are loot ninjas. He wants you to go investigate them.

Sir Boil:
Head into the Castle to the North of you. Fight on through until you make it onto the bridge. There go over to the left and into the section of ramparts that has numerous pillars. Head to the Northern end of it. There you will find Sir Boil who claims that Sir Gallow has gone mad. Go and open the crate that is now highlighted. Sir Boil will attack as soon as he says one more line. He attacks and acts no differently from the other knights you have dealt with already. He is also armored so Corrosive-Type weaponry is highly recommended.

Sir Mash:
Fight your way across the bridge and to the other side. Look for the small rock outcropping to the East. There you will find Sir Mash. He denies being the loot ninja. Head over tot he small tent and search it. Mash, like Boil, is not happy about this and attacks you. He has a mace but is otherwise a knight. Deal with him appropriately. Time to hunt down the final member of the party: Sir Stew.

Sir Stew:
Head to the West from Sir Mash's camp onto the castle ramparts themselves. Once you make it up to the Nefarious Ramparts head over to the Western tower then go to the edge of the wall and look down. Below is a ledge with a knight on it. Jump down and talk with him. He does not have much to say. Look inside the chest and it is apparent that he did not take the loot either. Kill him off then return to Sir Gallow.

Sir Gallow:
Drop off the ledge and head over to the right into the hole in the wall you see. Sir Gallow ponders just who could have been stealing the loot and then the chest is revealed to me a Mimic. It was the chest all along. Kill it off, grab the dropped loot then you will be contacted by Mr. Torque. He has a little epilogue to the quest and tells you to see him for your rewards.

Rewards: $6,502, XP: 4301