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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Part 13 – A Game of Games: The Sorcerer's Daughter

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Part 13 – A Game of Games: The Sorcerer's Daughter

You are now in the Seer's Sanctum head straight across and open the door there. Head on through the corridors until Roland appears. Head down the stairs to the left. Use the Vending Machines if you need to restock or clear inventory then press on forward. After that go over to the right and drop down the shaft. This leads to the Heart Of Nightmares where the spirit heads over to the end of the arena. This spirit leads to Angel. Talk with her and she will ask you to release her so she can lead you through to her Father's Keep. Remove the chains and she will shift her form and attack.

The Sorcerer's Daughter:
Hello human/spider hybrid, it is time to deal with you once again. She has a few attacks that you need to keep in mind. The first is where she will send shadowy spiders at you. These will slow you down while you are in the affected area and a little beyond it. She also can shoot webs at you and summon up Spiderlings to attack you. Try to save the Spiderlings for Second Winds as you will have a fair bit of need for them. When she gets lower on health she will use a corrosive spell against you that rapidly heals her if it hits you. This is telegraphed with her gathering green health around her then she releases the burst. Get something between you are her the moment you notice, better yet, retreat away for the attack to avoid any chance of her nicking you. She is resistant to corrosive-type damage so avoid using it against her. The good news is she is more vulnerable to fire being flesh and blood. The other types of damage seem to work very well. Pistols, SMGs or Assault rifles are more recommended or a high damage rocket launcher. It is also recommended to have an adaptable shield as she uses lots of fire and corrosive-type damage against you. If you need to land some critical hits on her, than go for the head.

Get her down by a quarter and she will jump up to the upper level and shield herself. She will summon a massive swarm of Woodland, Blackwidow and Badass Spiders and send them after you. Get through them and she will drop back down to the floor, landing on one of the raised platforms. At this point she gets a new attack: arrows. She will summon a fiery bow and start shooting it at you. She will keep this up until she gets low on health. She will usually unleash a quick area blast around her before doing one of her multi-hit shots so watch out for that

When the Sorcerer's Daughter is reduced down to a quarter of her total health she will shield herself again and retreat up to the ledge above once again. Once again a swarm of spiders is summoned up and attacks you. Get through them quickly and wait for her to return to the container top where she will drop her shield. Once again, just nail her with everything you have to take her down.

If the Sorcerer's Daughter is giving you a lot of trouble a good strategy to use is to start circling around one of the 4 raised platforms in the area. This will prevent her from having a clear light of effect to you more often then not. That works greatly in your favor when she is throwing out her healing spell. She is not the hardiest boss but her healing spell can force out the fight a lot longer than otherwise possible.

When the Sorcerer's Daughter goes down then The Handsome Sorcerer will open the door, clearing the way forward to him (supposedly). Head on through the open door to the West. This will give you the door that leads right to Dragon Keep. Head on through and you are almost to the Sorcerer himself.