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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 17 – Magic Slaughter: Round 3

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 17 – Magic Slaughter: Round 3

Wave 1
Head inside the Circle of Slaughter and get over to the Lever O' Magic once again. Pull it to start off the wave. This one begins with a pair of Towering Skeletons emerging right next to the Lever O' Magic. Pull back and take stock of them. They are a lot easier to hit than your typical skeleton but they also do a lot more damage. The good news is they appear alone initially which gives you plenty of opportunity to coat them in Corrosive-Type damage or Explosions. After them you have another Towering Skeleton appear but this singular one is backed up by a number of archers on the Northern side of the arena. They are followed by a number of Flaming skeletons appearing and charging at you from the center of the circle. Next in this wave you will be attacked by a horde of Midget skeletons. They are followed by more skeletons, some in armor and some of them mages. That will conclude the first wave.

Wave 2
This one kicks off with more skeletons coming after you. Unfortunately most of them are of the variety that explode. There are Crystallized skeletons as well and at least 1 Badass coming after you. Remember that the Crystalline Skeletons are destroyed by explosive damage though they resist most types of damage. Keep on the move to avoid surrounded which is all too easy in this kind of wave with so many different melee skeletons coming after you.

Wave 3
This wave immediately starts with the Armored Skeletons coming after you. Be sure that you also clear of most of the areas where the traps are. Murderlin is only too fond of using them around this time. Get through the initial round of skeletons and they are replaced by the Skeleton Midgets that like to rush you, a lot. Wipe them out and more Condemned Skeletons will appear (the kind that want to blow up with you) with more Armored Skeletons backing them up. Kill them and the very annoying teleporting Conjurer Skeletons will appear to start peppering you with shots.

Wave 4
Just like the first wave of this round you are up against 2 Towering Skeletons. This time though you have more skeletons to worry about than just them. They are joined by Mages, Armored and Explosive Skeletons fairly quickly. The normal kinds stick around. When prompted look up and quickly destroy the crystal of perpetual terror. This is while fending off the other skeletons and dealing with a badass Skeleton that is after you.

Rewards: Eridium 8, XP: 1840