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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 21 – The Magic of Childhood

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Sidequests Part 21 – The Magic of Childhood

Talk to Murderlin after completing the fifth round of the Magical Circle of Slaughter. He will task you with babysitting his son. Once you accept the quest head back toward the entrance of the Circle of Slaughter then turn to the right and head on through the opening there. Follow that open field over to the marker where you will find the baby. Talk with him to start things off and raise the tower up. After that the shield will activate you will need to fend off 5 waves of Orcs. This is all at range as you are up on the tower with his son.

Wave 1
The first start coming from the Northern side of the area. They are mostly Hoppers, Zappers and Sappers. They are intent on jumping up to the tower. This is very much a warm up round with them only coming from the singular side. There are 3 upper platforms that the Orcs appear on to lob the barrels at the Tower. Just look from one section to the next to spot them and gun them down quickly. Sniping is somewhat recommended but controlled burst from Assault Rifles or SMGs can work as well.

Wave 2
This time the Orcs will be coming more from the Southern part of the area. They will be dropping and running up from the towers to lob their barrels (or themselves) at you and the tower. A few will simply hop up from the side of the pit and come right at you. Still, not the highest concentration of them that it could be. As much as possible, aim for the barrel to quickly kill them off.

Wave 3
This starts when you hear Murderlin's son talking about to play with bombs. This time the Orcs will be coming from the North and the Southwestern areas. Gun down the ones to the North first since they have the best overview of the area. The others will be running toward the tower from the corner of the area. Just pick them off quickly then turn back to the North and deal with the Orcs that are running out of the building there. Now they will coming out of the buildings and the caves to the East of it. Sweep this entire area and always focus on the biggest concentration first. Here, a rocket launcher or other blast weapons is a good idea. The more spread on impact, the better. You will still get the odd one running up from the Southern side that you will need to quickly gun down.

Wave 4
This Orcs will largely be coming in from the East. Just watch as they appear and gun them down as quickly as possible. A few will come in from the South so be sure to check over there once in a while. After the first bit, more Orcs will appear from the Northern Building and come at you. Pick them off while they are high up to make things easier. After that quickly turn to the Northeastern area and deal with the ones running in from there. They are the last of the wave.

Wave 5
The final wave has begun. It starts with the Orcs coming in from the Southeastern area. Pick them off and get through until Murderlin speaks. Now you will have Orcs appearing from the Towers, the Building and occasional the South and the Caves to the East of the Building. Just get through the Orcs that come charging and you will be done with this quest.

Return to Murderlin and he will give you your reward for keeping his son safe.

Rewards: Eridium: 12, XP: 114