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Skyrim Sidelines- Lost Valley Redoubt: Uphill Battles

Past the rockfall traps to the East you will find more stairs- these lead up to the next 'layer' of the Redoubt.  Keep close to the cliff face and sidle south and you can get an opportunity to snipe or ambush another Forsaken who's sitting by a campfire with a cooking spit over it.  Be careful, though- you can easily attract the attention of the guard on the overlook if you didn't already get her to drop rocks on you.

With the Forsaken by the campfire dispatched, you can also access a rack of salmon hung out to dry, and a nearby tent with a locked chest in it.  This will give you a few goodies, and you can sidle past it on the left to ambush the guard on her overlook, if she's still there.  This Forsaken Forager uses only her bow even in melee, so you shouldn't have too much trouble from up close.

Past the guard's post you'll find another tent with an unlocked chest full of light treasure beside it.  Roll this for whatever you like of its contents, then turn your attention briefly to the water pool here.  There are three stairways down into the thing, but that's not the most important part- instead, look up.

You can see another chunk of ruins up at the top of the waterfall, with some planks reaching out off the edge.  Keep that spot in mind, as it'll give you a valuable reward later for very little effort.

Return to the campfire and check the tent with a rabbit hanging in it for another locked chest of small treasures, then turn to the stairs from here.  This is where you need to start being very cautious- the next area holds at least six Forsaken, including one of the powerful Briarhearts, who are all very dangerous mages.  If you've been especially sneaky (and very good at climbing terrain you're not actually supposed to stand on), you can approach this entire area from the East over the tall rocks, which will put you in a good spot to snipe- if you're not very good at mountain-climbing in the game, however, you'll most likely cause yourself a falling death instead should you attempt this.

When you do head up the stairs, be cautious as you approach the archway.  There are a couple of bottles (one of them a healing potion) on the ground here to distract you, but the center of the archway includes a tripwire that brings a mammoth skull, tusks and all, swinging down into your face at deadly speed.  If you're not worried about alerting the Forsaken in the next area, trip the trap from a distance with an arrow.  Otherwise, sneak around the tripwire slowly.