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Skyrim Sidelines- Lost Valley Redoubt: Burning Briarheart

Here, you'll find a large semi-clear slope, with another campfire, and two sets of stairs.  The stairs at the East end of the area lead up to the aqueduct, where you can pick up a coinpurse someone stashed upstream.  Of course, doing this puts you in plain view of everyone, so just keep that in mind for now and pay more attention to a few other things- like the Forsaken by the fire.  There are two of them, and they're fairly tough- but they will also alert the two Forsaken up the other stairs, one of whom is a Briarheart.  Briarhearts pitch fireballs and use Wards to protect themselves, making them deadly foes for pretty much anyone not an archer (and even archers find them hazardous to say the least- it's hard to dodge a fireball while you have an arrow nocked).

There are also a couple more Foragers around- one at the top of the stairs with the Briarheart, and one or two more further up the slope to the Southeast.  All of these are archers to some degree, so things can get really hairy if you try standing still at all.  Make sure you use the terrain to your advantage as best you can- the Briarhearts and Foragers will prefer to attack you from a distance, and this means you can put obstacles partially in the way to flummox the fireballs, or entirely in the way to stymie the archers completely.  Use the pillars that support the aqueduct overhead to slow melee pursuit as well as for ranged cover, and don't be afraid to go backwards down the stairs- particularly if you think you can lure the Forsworn into their own mammoth-skull battering ram.

Once you've slain all the Forsworn here, climb up that Northeast set of stairs to grab some money and a potion from the aqueduct.  Poke around the North side of this third 'layer' to find a tent with some loot and a human-butchery table (eww) with a saw (ewwwwww) and a tanning rack.  An enclosure against the wall to the South contains a goat, useful if you're trying to complete a pair of goat hides with which to make leather, and then it's up the last set of stairs to the next layer.

This area should be clear of Forsaken at this point, you having lured them downhill into your melee/arrowstorm/spell-hail, so head on up the stairs and check out everything else before you go through the ruins arch.

There's another salmon-drying rack here, as well as a blacksmith's forge (which makes pretty much no sense, as the Forsaken's weapons are all made of bone, wood, and leather, and so are their clothes) and another grindstone.  If you're a bit tricky about climbing the slope Northeast of the forge, you can get into a small flattish area where another locked chest awaits with even more loot in it.