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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 63 – Chapter 9: Lakeside Resort (Ellie Escapes)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 63 – Chapter 9: Lakeside Resort (Ellie Escapes)

The scene shifts back to Ellie as she sleeps in her cell. David and James show up to butcher Ellie but she pulls a fast one on David, biting him. She then buys enough time to stab James by telling David she is Infected. She gets away and is outside again. All she has is her switchblade right now. Head on forward and go down the alley in front of you. Start running as David starts shooting at you.

Once in the alley look to the right to find a door into the back of a building. Head around the the safe and duck underneath the toppled shelves you see in front of you. Head over to the left to find a Health Kit then make for the door that you see on the wall. Move the cart away from the door and you can cross through it into the “Faithful Dog Pet Store”. Head over to the left and slip outside through the window into the next store, “Larry's TV & Stereo”.

Head into the back room to the left quickly. Open the drawers for a Health Kit then duck over to the opposite side and through the door opposite the desk. Quickly leave the store as there are a few Survivors who search this place and Ellie really does not want to be there. This will get you into a bathroom. Go for the open window above the stall and hop on through.

Head on down the alley and hide behind the overturned Newspaper dispenser. Check for enemies then head straight across the street for the fire you see burning in a barrel. Head on through the alley to the right of that barrel and head on down it. You will see the post office ahead and some stairs. Between the stairs and the building is a gap: run for it.  Be sure to watch the ledge above you as there is likely a Survivor, with a gun, looking around there.

Once through the hole in the wall behind the post office, go up the stairs to the right and look for Survivors using Listen Mode. If one is approaching, just wait at the top of the stairs for him to get close then stab him. Go around the corner in front of you then crouch through the small opening in the fence to the left.

Once in the yard head head to the right and toward the next opening in the fencing. Use Listen Mode before you head on through as there is a Survivor who searches around here. You can either knife him or wait for him to move away and duck across the alley. On the far side of this you will find a chain-link fence that was cut through. Head on through the opening and forward.

Go on past the brick houses and duck into “Andrew's Arcade”. As you enter be careful as a pair of Survivors is likely doing the same. Wait for them to search the building a bit and watch what they are doing. When there is a gap, sneak on through it to the street beyond. There are at least 2 Survivors searching this section. Immediately head over to the left and watch for the one searching the top portion of the street. Watch him and wait for him to get to the left-hand side of it. As he does, sneak up behind him. When he gets behind the car, take him down. Hug against the buildings after that and go on down the street. There is 1 more survivor you need to worry about so use Listen Mode to locate him then take him down.

Keep going along the street until you find the school bus. When you do enter the alley to the left of the bus. Go to the end of it and look to the left to find a dumpster just below an open window. Head for it and climb up through the open window.