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Skyrim Sidelines- Red Eagle's Sword: Eagle Climbs the Sky

Be sure to inspect the camp thoroughly- there's a coinpurse on the table that sits beside the archer on her rock, and the campfire is next to an iron ore deposit, as well as there being two high-value potions under the trestle that the Forsworn are drying a pair of hides on.

Once you've got everything worthwhile from the camp here, head into the cave the camp is guarding to continue heading up to the Red Eagle mess.

As you enter Red Eagle's Ascent, you'll find that the cave here forms a clear tunnel, with sharpened posts lining portions of either side.  This is pretty typical of a Forsworn lair, so take it in stride- but be cautious anyways.  When you reach the point where there is a tree stump with some Mora Tapinella on it along the left wall, you'll want to start sneaking.  The tunnel takes a couple more turns after this before opening out into a larger area.

If you look ahead carefully just as you enter the opened-up part of the cave, you'll spot a tripwire along the path, as well as a lantern hanging from a stone eagle's-head carving.  The lantern is directly overhead of a large pool of flammable oil, in the midst of which stands one of the Forsworn.  Put an arrow into the lantern and it will drop on her head, then fall in the oil, setting her aflame and killing her.  When her companion up the stairs, an archer, comes to investigate, he will stand in the oil as well and even if it doesn't burn him to death, it will certainly make him much easier to handle.

The tripwire will trigger the fall of a couple of swords, doing some modest damage if you're not out of the way by the time they land on the floor.  Off to the right of this is a vein of iron ore, and a coin purse lurks under the scraggly tree here as well, behind the sharpened posts.

Continue through the narrow passage in the opposite wall, keeping an eye out for the bear traps strewn about the floor, and you'll find yourself heading upstairs through a tunnel with several mushroom patches in.  At the top of the stairs, the channel opens out into another uphill cave, this one full of steps guarded by more Forsworn.  You can drop an arrow or long-range spell into the visible one from the entrance, which should call a second one down the steps as well- right into your ambush whether you're sneaky or not.  Either way, a third Forsworn will still await you at the top of the stairs as well.